Externe Monographien
This in-depth analysis offers a quantitative analysis of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between the EU and Canada, six years after its provisional enforcement. Our analysis confirms substantial economic gains: goods exports from the EU to Canada increased by 27 % and imports rose by 32 % due to the agreement. The services sector also showed robust growth, with 19 % and 15 % increases ...
European Parliament,
27 S.
| Julian Hinz, Carsten Philipp Brockhaus, Sonali Chowdhry, Hendrik Mahlkow, Vasundhara Thakur
Blog Marcel Fratzscher
While the French economy demonstrates remarkable resilience, Germany’s growth engine appears to be sputtering. But the two economies are more interdependent than ever, and their size implies that they must work together to reform and strengthen the European Union if they are to assert their influence globally. BERLIN – The contrast between the French and German economies has rarely appeared so stark. ...
28.12.2023| Marcel Fratzscher
Refereed essays Web of Science
Leading theories suggest that amongst continuing exporters, lower variable trade costs should boost exports of smaller firms by the same or greater percentage rate than larger firms. However, investigating the impact of the deep EU-South Korea FTA with French customs data, we find robust evidence to the contrary. Applying a triple-difference framework, we report that the FTA increased sales in the ...
Review of International Economics
31 (2023), 5, S. 1751-1792
| Sonali Chowdhry, Gabriel Felbermayr
Externe Monographien
23 S.
(Policy Brief / Wissenschaftsplattform Sustainable Finance ; 3/2023)
| Fernanda Ballesteros, Malte Hessenius, Alexandra Hüttel, Catherine Marchewitz, Karsten Neuhoff, Franziska Schütze, Leon Stolle
Externe Monographien
Achieving a balanced monetary-fiscal policy mix in the euro area is crucial to ensure that monetary policy is able to fulfil its primary price stability objective. This paper outlines, from an economic and legal perspective, the interaction between monetary and fiscal policy in light of the current monetary and fiscal stance and, in particular, the “quasi-fiscal” effects of some unconventional monetary ...
European Parliament,
23 S.
(Monetary Dialogue Papers ; September 2023)
| Kerstin Bernoth, Sara Dietz, Rosa Lastra, Marie Rullière
Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 3 / 2023
Für die Transformation der europäischen Wirtschaft mit dem Ziel der Klimaneutralität bis 2050 hat die Europäische Union in den letzten Jahren weitreichende Nachhaltigkeitsverordnungen beschlossen. Diese sollen insbesondere den Privatsektor in die Richtung nachhaltiger wirtschaftlicher Aktivitäten lenken. In diesem Zusammenhang wurde ein neues Finanzierungsinstrument entwickelt, das die Nachhaltigkeitstransformation ...
2023| Isabelle Cathérine Hinsche, Rainer Klump
Is global tax evasion falling or rising? Are new issues emerging, and if so, what are they? Have governments been effective in addressing tax evasion over the past 10 years? What has worked so far and what are some policies for the future?
Gabriel Zucman, founding director of the EU Tax Observatory, and Sarah Godar will present key result from the inaugural Global Tax Evasion Report. The report...
02.11.2023| Gabriel Zucman, Gerhard Schick, Christian Traxler, Charlotte Bartels, Sarah Godar
DIW Weekly Report 6 / 2023
In August 2022, the US Congress passed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), a comprehensive piece of legislation aiming to stimulate the US economy and to increase its resilience. At an estimated 430 billion euros, it is a massive government investment and spending program in the welfare state, federal infrastructure, climate action, and environmental protection. At the same time, the IRA is intended ...
2023| Kerstin Bernoth, Josefin Meyer
Research Project
Political measures at the level of the European Union are intended, among other things, to ensure the stability of the economic and monetary union. This includes, for example, the establishment of the European Recovery Fund, which can be a first step towards a fiscal union in the Eurozone. The project examines how these, and other economic policy measures affect inequality between households. The...
Current Project| Macroeconomics, Forecasting and Economic Policy