Externe Monographien
Health shocks limit individuals’ participation in the labor market and pose a major risk to household welfare. In this paper, we derive two novel health shock indicators using machine learning based on sick days and hospitalizations: one for transitory and one for persistent shocks. In an event study framework, we show their respective effects on employment, yearly working hours, and labor earnings, ...
48 S.
(SSRN Papers)
| Mattis Beckmannhagen, Johannes König
Cluster-Seminar Öffentliche Finanzen und Lebenslagen
While nouns in the German language are gendered toward males, the introduction of the "gender star" or "gender colon"' have allowed for nouns to be interpreted as not assigning gender, or non-binary. Their usage however has become highly politically polarizing. Using over 40 million online job postings from 2016 to 2023, we document the rising prevalence of the gender star and colon in the German...
20.12.2023| Jonas Jessen
Data Documentation 107 / 2024
2024| Virginia Sondergeld, Katharina Wrohlich
Research Project
In this project, we will evaluate and compare the impact of unemployment, parental leave and short- time work on the careers of men and women, as well as on the gender division of unpaid care work within families. In particular, we address the question of whether involuntary paid leave in form of short-time work affects gender gaps in the labor market as well as the existing gender division of...
Current Project| Gender Economics
Cluster-Seminar Öffentliche Finanzen und Lebenslagen
Newspaper coverage of firms’ CEOs is highly gendered. This presents a bias in itself but it might also have consequences for investments into the firm. In a survey experiment (N=tbd), we identify the causal impact of differential newspaper coverage for female and male CEOs on four outcomes: expected firm performance, investment into the firm, expected CEO ‘survival’, and expected performance in...
30.04.2024| Lavinia Kinne, Virginia Sondergeld
SOEP Brown Bag Seminar
Using panel data from Understanding Society, this paper presents a methodology for conceptualising and measuring poor-quality employment in the UK as a distinct concept from job quality. This allows us to identify the most vulnerable employed workers in the UK. Key to this approach is the recognition that poor employment conditions exacerbate each other leading to more intense levels of...
19.06.2024| Kirsten Sehnbruch, London School of Economics and International Inequalities Institute
Weitere externe Aufsätze
This paper estimates the impact of financial incentives on retirement decision in France for cohorts of men retiring between 1994 to 2012. During these two decades, a number of pension reforms took place, all aiming to achieve financial balance in the context of increasing life expectancy. These reforms strengthened incentives to retire later, either by ofoffering increased pension benefit for later ...
Axel Börsch-Supan, Courtney Coile (Eds) ,
Social Security Programs and Retirement around the World : The Effects of Reforms on Retirement Behavior
Chicago : University of Chicago Press
im Ersch.
International Social Security
| Antoine Bozio, Simon Rabaté, Maxime Tô, Julie Tréguier
Cluster-Seminar Öffentliche Finanzen und Lebenslagen
Women continue to be underrepresented in leadership positions in the corporate sector such as on company boards. One of the reasons for this underrepresentation are gender stereotypes on the skill distribution, social and occupational roles, personality traits, and how they affect labor market decision making. Media plays an important role in transporting gender stereotypes. In this paper we...
21.06.2023| Virginia Sondergeld
Research Project
Scenarios for financing an unconditional basic income are being developed in the project. Furthermore, the revenue and distribution effects of basic income and financing options are analyzed.
Current Project| Public Economics