Refereed essays Web of Science
The use of green hydrogen can support the decarbonization of sectors which are difficult to electrify, such as industry or heavy transport. Yet, the wider power sector effects of providing green hydrogen are not well understood so far. We use an open-source electricity sector model to investigate potential power sector interactions of three alternative supply chains for green hydrogen in Germany in ...
Energy Policy
182 (2023), 113738, 15 S.
| Dana Kirchem, Wolf-Peter Schill
Research Project
Current Project| Firms and Markets
Diskussionspapiere 2043 / 2023
Our paper contributes to the discussion about Europe’s digital sovereignty. We analyze the relationship between firm performance and the diversification of sourcing countries for imported ICT goods. The analysis is based on administrative data for 3888 German manufacturing firms that imported ICT goods in the years 2010 and 2014. We find that firms that diversify the sourcing of ICT goods across multiple ...
2023| Alexander Schiersch, Irene Bertschek, Thomas Niebel
DIW Weekly Report 38/39 / 2023
The sharp rise in electricity prices has led to a discussion on possible subsidies for companies in the form of an industrial power tariff. The subsidies should help companies remain internationally competitive and prevent them from relocating overseas. Although German electricity prices for (industrial) firms are around the European average due to many tax exemptions, they are significantly higher ...
2023| Lea Bernhardt, Tomaso Duso, Robin Sogalla, Alexander Schiersch
Diskussionspapiere 2045 / 2023
As research indicates a gap between complex scientific measures of accessibility and simpler proxies used by firms, this paper analyses the impact of several market access indicators on the location decision of firms. It compares the role of inter- and intra-industry agglomeration as proxies of access with a newly developed gravity-based indicator incorporating transport distances and industry relations. ...
2023| Dennis Gaus, Georg Hirte
Diskussionspapiere 2093 / 2024
This paper investigates the perspectives of stakeholder groups in the plastic and steel value chains on transitioning toward a circular economy (CE). Through semistructured interviews with 31 business stakeholders, we analyze business strategies, key factors, challenges and opportunities, as well as coordination and regulatory needs for a successful industry-wide CE transition. Our findings highlight ...
2024| Xi Sun, Sophie M. Behr, Merve Kücük
Diskussionspapiere 2090 / 2024
We discuss the main Theories of Harm in EU merger control and their evolution since the 1990s. We present stylised facts and trends using data extracted from EU merger decisions by natural language processing tools. EU merger policy has adapted over time, both in terms of legislation and theories of harm, as well as in terms of the investigative tools and evidence used. The introduction of the new ...
2024| Tomaso Duso, Lea Bernhardt, Joanna Piechucka
Refereed essays Web of Science
Intuition is a central element of entrepreneurial decision-making. We conceptually replicate a published study by using new representative data from 1961 adults and the widely used Cognitive Reflection Test, which assesses the ability to avoid intuitive decisions and to switch to an analytical process. We extend the analysis by exploring occupational sorting versus environmental influence as mechanisms, ...
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
(2024), im Ersch. [Online first: 2023-11-20]
| Frank Fossen, Levent Neyse
Refereed essays Web of Science
This paper analyses trends in mortality inequality in 330 Chilean communes from 1990 to 2010 for different age groups and both genders. Chile had substantial inequalities in local-level mortality rates in 1990 but by 2010 these disparities had significantly decreased, especially among infants, children and the elderly. The only exception was Chilean men aged 20–39, for whom inequality in mortality ...
Fiscal Studies
(2024), im Ersch. [online first: 2024-09-07]
| Gedeão Locks