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907 results, from 901
  • Externe Monographien

    On the Relationship between Public and Private Investment in the Euro Area

    This paper explores the long run relationship between public and private investment in the euro area in terms of capital stocks and gross investment flows. Panel techniques accounting for international spillovers are employed. While private and public capital stocks are cointegrated, the evidence is quite fragile for public and private investment flows. They enter a long run relationship only after ...

    Bonn: IZA, 2014, 18 S.
    (Discussion Paper Series / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit ; 8002)
    | Christian Dreger, Hans-Eggert Reimers
  • FINESS Working Papers 6.1 / 2009

    Risk Attitudes and Investment Decisions across European Countries: Are Women More Conservative Investors than Men?

    This study questions the popular stereotype that women are more risk averse than men in their financial investment decisions. The analysis is based on micro-level data from large-scale surveys of private households in five European countries. In our analysis of investment decisions, we directly account for individuals' self-perceived willingness to take financial risks. The empirical evidence we provide ...

    2009| Oleg Badunenko, Nataliya Barasinska, Dorothea Schäfer
  • Diskussionspapiere 1365 / 2014

    On the Relationship between Public and Private Investment in the Euro Area

    This paper explores the long run relationship between public and private investment in the euro area in terms of capital stocks and gross investment flows. Panel techniques accounting for international spillovers are employed. While private and public capital stocks are cointegrated, the evidence is quite fragile for public and private investment flows. They enter a long run relationship only after ...

    2014| Christian Dreger, Hans-Eggert Reimers
  • Diskussionspapiere 1504 / 2015

    Childhood Roots of Financial Literacy

    Financial literacy predicts informed financial decisions, but what explains financial literacy? We use the concept of financial socialization and aim to represent three major agents of financial socialization: family, school and work. Thus we compile twelve relevant childhood characteristics in a new survey study and examine their relation to financial literacy, while controlling for established socio-demographic ...

    2015| Antonia Grohmann, Roy Kouwenberg, Lukas Menkhoff
  • Diskussionspapiere 1103 / 2011

    Do Regions with Entrepreneurial Neighbors Perform Better? A Spatial Econometric Approach for German Regions

    We use a neoclassical production function to analyze the effects of knowledge spillovers via entrepreneurship on economic performance of 337 German districts. To take the spatial dependence structure of the data into account, we estimate a spatial Durbin model. We highlight the importance of the choice of the appropriate weight matrix. We find positive knowledge spillover effects via entrepreneurship ...

    2011| Katharina Pijnenburg, Konstantin A. Kholodilin
  • Diskussionspapiere 928 / 2009

    Risk Attitudes and Investment Decisions across European Countries: Are Women More Conservative Investors than Men?

    This study questions the popular stereotype that women are more risk averse than men in their financial investment decisions. The analysis is based on micro-level data from large-scale surveys of private households in five European countries. In our analysis of investment decisions, we directly account for individuals' self-perceived willingness to take financial risks. The empirical evidence we provide ...

    2009| Oleg Badunenko, Nataliya Barasinska, Dorothea Schäfer
  • SOEPpapers 224 / 2009

    Risk Attitudes and Investment Decisions across European Countries: Are Women More Conservative Investors than Men?

    This study questions the popular stereotype that women are more risk averse than men in their financial investment decisions. The analysis is based on micro-level data from large-scale surveys of private households in five European countries. In our analysis of investment decisions, we directly account for individuals' self-perceivedwillingness to take financial risks. The empirical evidence we provide ...

    2009| Oleg Badunenko, Nataliya Barasinska, Dorothea Schäfer
907 results, from 901