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1105 results, from 61
  • SOEPpapers 1188 / 2023

    Intergenerational Scars: The Impact of Parental Unemployment on Individual Health Later in Life

    This paper studies whether individuals that experienced parental unemployment during their childhood/early adolescence have poorer health once they reach the adulthood. We used data from the German Socio-Economic Panel from 2002 until 2018. Our identification strategy of the causal effect of parental unemployment relied on plant closures as exogenous variation of the individual labor market condition. ...

    2023| Michele Ubaldi, Matteo Picchio
  • DIW Weekly Report 23 / 2023

    Facilitating the Transport and Heating Transition: Strengthen Carbon Pricing, Introduce a Climate Dividend, and Reduce Adaptation Costs

    Despite the easing of prices on the energy markets, private households continue to be burdened by elevated prices. The planned increase the planned increase in the carbon price for transport and heating will raise the burden on private households even further. These additional costs are unequally distributed and have a regressive effect, as poor households must spend much more relative to their net ...

    2023| Stefan Bach, Hermann Buslei, Lars Felder, Peter Haan
  • Diskussionspapiere 2046 / 2023

    Women in Management and the Gender Pay Gap

    We analyze the impact of women’s managerial representation on the gender pay gap among employees on the establishment level using German Linked-Employer-Employee- Data from the years 2004 to 2018. For identification of a causal effect we employ a panel model with establishment fixed effects and industry-specific time dummies. Our results show that a higher share of women in management significantly ...

    2023| Virginia Sondergeld, Katharina Wrohlich
  • DIW Weekly Report 7 / 2023

    Midijob Reform: Increased Redistribution in Pension Insurance – Noticeable Costs, Relief Not Well Targeted

    The German Federal Government has expanded subsidies for employees with low gross wages (midijob employees) as of January 1, 2023, and raised the upper earnings limit to 2,000 euros. As a result, around 6.2 million midijob employees will benefit from paying reduced social security contributions while still receiving their full pension entitlements, made possible by a redistribution within the social ...

    2023| Hermann Buslei, Johannes Geyer, Peter Haan
  • DIW Weekly Report 9 / 2023

    Gender Care Gap and Gender Pay Gap Increase Substantially until Middle Age

    While the gender pay gap between men and women in Germany remains at 18 percent, this figure is not the same for all employees. There are, for example, major differences by age. Beginning at age 30, the gender pay gap increases sharply and remains constantly high at 20 percent until retirement. Closely related to this is the gender care gap, the difference in unpaid care work between women and men. ...

    2023| Clara Schäper, Annekatrin Schrenker, Katharina Wrohlich
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Rent Price Control – Yet Another Great Equalizer of Economic Inequalities? Evidence from a Century of Historical Data

    The long-run U-shaped patterns of economic inequality are standardly explained by basic economic trends (Piketty’s r > g), taxation policies or ‘great levellers’ such as catastrophes. This article argues that housing policy, and particularly rent control, is a neglected explanatory factor in understanding macro inequality. We hypothesize that rent control could decrease overall housing wealth, lower ...

    In: Journal of European Social Policy 33 (2023), 2, S. 169–184 | Konstantin A. Kholodilin, Sebastian Kohl
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Assessing the Measurement Quality of Justice Evaluations of Earnings in Europe

    How individuals perceive the fairness of their pay carries profound implications for individuals and society. Perceptions of pay injustice are linked to a spectrum of negative outcomes, including diminished well-being, poor health, increased stress, and depressive symptoms, alongside various detrimental effects in the work domain. Despite the far-reaching impact of these justice evaluations, validity ...

    In: Social Justice Research (2024), im Ersch. [online first: 2024-08-17] | Cristóbal Moya, Jule Adriaans
  • Externe Monographien

    Education, Expectations, and the Economy: Four Essays in Education and Labor Economics

    Diese Dissertation umfasst vier eigenständige Kapitel, die zur Literatur in der BildungsundArbeitsmarktökonomie beitragen. Sie zeigen auf, welche Determinanten zu denLohnerwartungen von Abiturienten beitragen (Kapitel 1) und wie diese Erwartungenzusammen mit Arbeitsmarktbedingungen zum Zeitpunkt des Abiturs (Kapitel2), Studiengangsrankings (Kapitel 3) und Studiengebühren (Kapitel 4) nachschulischeHumankapitalinvestitionen ...

    Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin, 2024, 188, XLVII S. | Andreas Leibing
  • DIW Weekly Report 32/33/34 / 2024

    Income, Work, and Health Satisfaction Differ Primarily by Household Income, Age, and Parental Status

    Subjective well-being is essential for both quality of life and a healthy society. Studies have shown that satisfied people have better relationships, are more productive, and have a longer life expectancy. General life satisfaction is being discussed as an alternative measure of prosperity beyond GDP. Thus, findings on this topic are relevant for both the scientific community as well as policymakers. ...

    2024| Laura Buchinger, Theresa Entringer, Daniel Graeber
  • Diskussionspapiere 2068 / 2024

    The Broken Elevator: Declining Absolute Mobility of Living Standards in Germany

    This study provides the first absolute income mobility estimates for postwar Germany. Using various micro data sources, we uncover a steep decline in absolute mobility rates from 81 percent to 59 percent for children’s birth cohorts 1962 through 1988. This trend is robust across different ages, family sizes, measurement methods, copulas, and data sources. Across the parental income distribution, we ...

    2024| Timm Bönke, Astrid Harnack-Eber, Holger Lüthen
1105 results, from 61