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735 results, from 21
  • DIW Roundup

    On the relation between trade and democratization

    Whether trade can achieve societal change is a contested topic and difficult to investigate. This round-up aims at summarizing recent empirical research on this topic while focusing on democracy and democratization as an important part of societal change. No robust results for change arising from trade can be found, but there exists an inverse causality, i.e., democratization leading to more trade...

  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    The Influence of Start-Up Motivation on Entrepreneurial Performance

    Predicting entrepreneurial development based on individual and business-related characteristics is a key objective of entrepreneurship research. In this context, we investigate whether the motives of becoming an entrepreneur influence the subsequent entrepreneurial development. In our analysis, we examine a broad range of business outcomes including survival and income, as well as job creation, and ...

    In: Small Business Economics 61 (2023), S. 869–889 | Marco Caliendo, Alexander S. Kritikos, Claudia Stier
  • Research Project

    Indikatorensystem zur technologischen Leistungsfähigkeit Deutschlands

    Completed Project| Firms and Markets
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Revisiting the Relatedness Hypothesis: The Impact of Merger Relatedness on Acquiring and Rival Firm Value  

    Despite intuitive appeal, empirical evidence supporting the relatedness hypothesis has been scant, as it has not been established that related acquisitions generally outperform unrelated acquisitions. In considering the impact of merger relatedness on not only acquiring-firm value – as is standard in the relatedness literature – but also on non-merging rival firm value, we offer an alternative perspective ...

    In: Long Range Planning 56 (2023), 6, 102325,17 S. | Joseph A. Clougherty, Tomaso Duso
  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Firm Heterogeneity and Carbon Leakage in the Production Network

    27.03.2024| Robin Sogalla, DIW Berlin
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Entrepreneurship, Management, and Cognitive Reflection: A Preregistered Replication Study With Extensions

    Intuition is a central element of entrepreneurial decision-making. We conceptually replicate a published study by using new representative data from 1961 adults and the widely used Cognitive Reflection Test, which assesses the ability to avoid intuitive decisions and to switch to an analytical process. We extend the analysis by exploring occupational sorting versus environmental influence as mechanisms, ...

    In: Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (2024), im Ersch. [Online first: 2023-11-20] | Frank Fossen, Levent Neyse
  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    New Trade Models, Same Old Emissions?

    This paper investigates the elusive role of productivity heterogeneity in new trade models in the trade and environment nexus. We contrast the Eaton-Kortum and the Melitz models with firm heterogeneity to the Armington and Krugman models without heterogeneity. We show that if firms have a constant emission share in terms of sales — as they do in a wide range of trade and environment models — the...

    03.07.2024| Robin Sogalla, DIW Berlin
  • DIW Weekly Report 22/23 / 2024

    Quantifying Bargaining Power in Supply Chains: Essential for Merger Control

    Merger control plays a central role in competition policy. When assessing proposed mergers, Competition Authorities should consider its impact on all relevant markets. Large mergers between manufacturers typically impact competition, thus requiring the approval of Competition Authorities. Divestitures are often a condition of merger approval. This report investigates the effectiveness of implementing ...

    2024| Yann Delaprez, Morgane Guignard
  • Externe Monographien

    Study on the Effectiveness of COVID-Aid on Firms

    The study investigates the impact of COVID-related State aid measures (COVID-aid) on firms’ performance in selected EU countries, distinguishing among different categories of (pre-crisis) firm size, economic sector, and type of financial instrument received. The current analysis covers three countries with available National State Aid Registries, namely Italy, Poland, and Spain, which enable precise ...

    Seville: European Commission, 2024, 71 S. | Giulia Canzian, Elena Crivellaro, Tomaso Duso, Antonella Ferrara, Alessandro Sasso, Stefano Verzillo
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Self-Efficacy and Entrepreneurial Performance of Start-Ups

    Self-efficacy reflects the self-belief that one can persistently perform difficult and novel tasks while coping with adversity. As such beliefs reflect how individuals behave, think, and act, they are key for successful entrepreneurial activities. While existing literature mainly analyzes the influence of the task-related construct of entrepreneurial self-efficacy, we take a different perspective and ...

    In: Small Business Economics 61 (2023), S. 1027–1051 | Marco Caliendo, Alexander S. Kritikos, Daniel Rodríguez, Claudia Stier
735 results, from 21