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418 results, from 41
  • Publication

    Economic sanctions: Coalitions increase the cost for the target and reduce own burden

    What is the role of coalitions in enforcing sanctions? In a newly released study, researchers at IfW Kiel and DIW Berlin analyse the economic impact of jointly implementing punitive measures in the context of the 2012 Iran and 2014 Russia sanctions. They find that coalitions serve two crucial purposes -- they not only magnify the economic cost imposed on the target but also reduce domestic costs for ...

    28.10.2022| Sonali Chowdhry
  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Brothers in Arms: The Value of Coalitions in Sanctions Regimes

    This paper provides novel empirical results on the welfare impact of sanctions when countries coordinate their sanctions packages. To do so, weconduct simulations with the Caliendo and Parro (2015) CGE model of the world economy that provides changes in welfare under different hypothetical setups of sanctions coalitions. Focusing on the 2012 wave of sanctions against Iran and the 2014 sanctions...

    07.04.2022| Sonali Chowdhry, Kiel Institute for the World Economy
  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Competition and VAT Pass-Through

    We examine how competition affects VAT pass-through in isolated oligopolistic markets as defined by the Greek islands. Using daily gasoline prices and a difference-in-differences methodology, we study how changes in VAT rates are passed through to consumers in islands with different number of retailers. We show that pass-through increases with competition, going from 50% in monopoly to around 80%...

    29.03.2023| Themistoklis Kampouris, DIW Berlin
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    The Rise and Fall of Social Housing? Housing Decommodification in Long-run Comparison

    The comparative study of housing decommodification lags behind classical welfare state research, while housing research itself is rich in homeownership studies but lacks comparative accounts of private and social rentals due to missing comparative data. Building on existing works and various primary sources, this study presents a new collection of up to forty-eight countries’ social housing shares ...

    In: Journal of Social Policy im Ersch. (2024), [online first: 2022-12-02] | Konstantin A. Kholodilin, Sebastian Kohl, Florian Müller
  • DIW Roundup

    How Shocks Affect Stock Market Participation

    While there is a broad consensus in the literature that stock ownership is associated with individual characteristics, such as wealth, income, risk preferences, and financial literacy, less is known about the dynamics of stock market participation (SMP). Major fluctuations in SMP are oftentimes related to political events, economic shocks, and technological disruptions. We discuss the literature...

    02.12.2022| Lorenz Meister
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Earnings Inequality and Working Hours Mismatch

    Based on data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, we document a significant rise in monthly earnings in- equality between 1993 and 2018. The main contributors are inter-temporal increases in working hours inequality and increases in the covariance between working hours and hourly wages, while changes in the distribution of hourly wages play a minor role. Applying a novel double decomposition technique ...

    In: Labour Economics 76 (2022), 102184, 22 S. | Mattis Beckmannshagen, Carsten Schröder
  • Schumpeter BSoE Macro Seminar

    Perceptions about Monetary Policy

    24.05.2022| Michael Bauer, Universität Hamburg
  • Nicht-referierte Aufsätze

    Decentral Electrification, Network Interconnection, and Local Power Markets: An Introduction

    In: Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy 11 (2022), 1, S. 1-4 | Sebastian Groh, Valerie J. Karplus, Christian von Hirschhausen
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    One Hundred Years of Rent Control in Argentina: Much Ado about Nothing

    Following World War I, rent control became a standard policy response to the housing shortage and the resulting rent increases. Typically, economists blame it for creating inefficiencies in the housing market and beyond. We investigate whether rental market regulations (including rent control, protection of tenants from eviction, and housing rationing) had any effects in a middle-income Latin American ...

    In: Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 37 (2022), S. 1923–1970 | Alejandro D. Jacobo, Konstantin A. Kholodilin
  • Diskussionspapiere 1995 / 2022

    A Behavioral Heterogeneous Agent New Keynesian Model

    We develop a New Keynesian model with household heterogeneity and bounded rationality in the form of cognitive discounting. The interaction of household heterogeneity and bounded rationality generates amplification of monetary and fiscal policy through indirect general equilibrium effects while simultaneously ruling out the forward guidance puzzle and remaining stable at the effective lower bound. ...

    2022| Oliver Pfäuti, Fabian Seyrich
418 results, from 41