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320 results, from 101
  • Externe Monographien

    Signals Sell: Designing a Product Line when Consumers Have Social Image Concerns

    One important function of consumption is for consumers to show off their taste, virtue or wealth. While empirical observations suggest that producers take this into account, existing research has concentrated on analyzing the demand side. This paper investigates how a monopolist optimally designs its product line when consumers differ both in their taste for quality and their desire for a positive ...

    Berlin: WZB, 2016, 48, 21 S.
    (Discussion Paper / Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung ; SP II 2016–202)
    | Jana Friedrichsen
  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Consumer Rating Dynamics

    (joint with André Stenzel and Peter Schmidt) We consider dynamic price-setting in the presence of rating systems and asymmetric information about product quality. We provide a framework in which the price charged determines the characteristics of purchasing consumers. The price has two effects on future ratings: (i) a direct price effect on reviews, and (ii) an indirect selection effect...

    28.06.2019| Christoph Wolf
  • Berlin IO Day

    The 12th Berlin IO Day

    The Berlin IO Day is a one-day workshop sponsored by the Berlin Centre for Consumer Policies (BCCP) and supported by the Berlin's leading academic institutions, including DIW Berlin, ESMT Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and Technische Universität Berlin. The aim is to create an international forum for high quality research in Industrial Organization in the heart of Berlin, one of...

  • Workshop

    Eating Meat 2019 - Determinants, consequences and interventions

    The goal of this workshop is to bring together scholars from the social sciences working on the various aspects of human consumption of animal products. We want to engage in a discussion about what we know and do not know about the consumption of meat and dairy, its economic and environmental consequences, as well as possible ways to design effective interventions. Topics include, but are not...

  • DIW Roundup 130 / 2019

    Do Default Assignments Increase Savings of the Poor? Empirical Evidence

    Although households in developing and emerging countries are relatively poor, there is potential to save. For example, one study estimates that up to 8.1% of a poor household’s budget in such countries is spent on so-called temptation goods, like alcohol, tobacco, and festivals (Banerjee and Duflo, 2007). At the same time, many households are aware of the fact that they do not save enough. They name ...

    2019| Eva Haaser, Melanie Koch
  • Berlin IO Day

    The 9th Berlin IO Day

    The Berlin IO Day is a one-day workshop sponsored by the Berlin Centre for Consumer Policies (BCCP) and supported by the Berlin's leading academic institutions, including DIW Berlin, ESMT Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, and WZB which takes place twice a year, in the Fall and in the Spring. The aim is to create an...

  • Externe Monographien

    Three Essays on Empirical Industrial Organization in Grocery Retailing: Dissertation

    In the first essay, titled “Retail Mergers and Assortment Repositioning”, I study how supermarkets compete in product variety and what this means for merger control. Authorities previously focused their attention on price effects of mergers. However, the recent years saw a shift in attention: For example, the new U.S. Horizontal Merger Guidelines (2010), issued by the Department of Justice and the ...

    Düsseldorf: Universität Düsseldorf, 2017, IX, 140 S. | Anna Lu
  • Interview

    "Depopulation to affect regional real estate prices": Seven questions for Markus M. Grabka

    Mr. Grabka, you have studied the effects of the demographic shift on residential real estate prices in Germany. What does population growth in the coming decades look like? We based our work on the population forecast coordinated by the German Federal Statistical Office (Statistisches Bundesamt), which currently extends to 2060. According to that projection, the population of Germany will shrink by ...

    26.06.2017| Markus M. Grabka
  • Berlin Applied Micro Seminar (BAMS)

    How Effective Is Black-box Digital Consumer Profiling and Audience Delivery?: Evidence from Field Studies

    BAMS is a joint seminar by the DIW Berlin, the Hertie School of Governance, the HU Berlin and the WZB.

    04.02.2019| Catherine E. Tucker (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Decomposing Trust

    Abstract:  Trust is thought to be an important driver of economic growth and other economic outcomes. Previous studies suggest that trust may be a combination of risk attitudes, distributional preferences, betrayal aversion, and beliefs about the probability of being reciprocated. We compare the results of a binary trust game to the results of a series of control treatments that remove the...

    28.02.2020| Jana Friedrichsen
320 results, from 101