Refereed essays Web of Science
This paper documents life cycle (or age) profiles of (log) household income, durable and non-durable consumption for Dutch households after explicitly controlling for time (or business cycle) effects and birth cohort effects. We find that both measures of consumption as well as income is clearly hump shaped over the life cycle. Hence, real consumption per household seems to track income over the life ...
De Economist
157 (2009), 1, S. 107-120
| Rob Alessie, Joppe de Ree
SOEPpapers 249 / 2009
According to the National Accounts the German savings rate has increased continuously since 2001 after it fell continuously from 1991. This increase was rather unexpected and hence it is interesting to analyse whether the savings rate of the total population has increased or whether the increase in the aggregated savings rate has been due to the fact that the savings behaviour of certain socio-economic ...
2009| Ulrike Stein
Refereed essays Web of Science
This paper investigates the short-term effects of public smoking bans on individual smoking behavior. In 2007 and 2008, state-level smoking bans were gradually introduced in all of Germany's federal states. We exploit this variation to identify the effect that smoke-free policies had on individuals' smoking propensity and smoking intensity. Using rich longitudinal data from the German Socio-Economic ...
Journal of Health Economics
30 (2011), 3, S. 591-601
| Silke Anger, Michael Kvasnicka, Thomas Siedler
Externe Monographien
New York [u.a.]:
S. 271-398
(Journal of Consumer Policy ; 34,3)
| Lucia A. Reisch, Hans Micklitz, Kornelia Hagen (Eds.)
Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics
Abstract: The rise of dominant firms in data driven industries is often credited to their alleged data advantage. Empirical evidence lending support to this conjecture is lacking. In this paper, we show that data as an input into machine learning tasks displays features that favor the hypothesis that data is a source of market power. We study the search result quality for search keywords on...
06.12.2019| Maximilian Schäfer
Externe Monographien
We study the literature on school financial education programs for children and youth via aquantitative meta-analysis of 37 (quasi-) experiments. We find that financial education treatmenthas, on average, a significant and sizeable impact on financial knowledge (+0.25 SD), similar toeducational interventions in other domains. Additionally, we document small but still significanteffects on financial ...
35 S.
(CESifo Working Papers ; 7395)
| Tim Kaier, Lukas Menkhoff
Diskussionspapiere 1743 / 2018
We conduct a randomized field experiment to study the effects of two financial education interventions offered to small-scale retailers in Western Uganda. The treatments contrast “active learning” with “traditional lecturing” within standardized lesson-plans. We find that active learning has a positive and economically meaningful impact on savings and investment outcomes, in contrast to insignificant ...
2018| Tim Kaiser, Lukas Menkhoff
Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics
Abstract: In online commerce, obfuscation strategies by sellers are hypothesized to mislead consumers to their detriment and to the profit of sellers. One such obfuscation strategy is partitioned pricing in which the price is split into a base price and add-on fees. While empirical evidence suggests that partitioned pricing impacts consumer decisions through salience effects, its consumer...
06.12.2019| Kevin Ducbao Tran
Diskussionspapiere 1816 / 2019
In this study, we set up a DSGE model with upward looking consumption comparison and show that consumption externalities are an important driver of consumer credit dynamics. Our model economy is populated by two different household types. Investors, who hold the economy’s capital stock, own the firms and supply credit, and workers, who supply labor and demand credit to finance consumption. Furthermore, ...
2019| Mathias Klein, Christopher Krause
Refereed essays Web of Science
We study the literature on school financial education programs for children and youth via a quantitative meta-analysis of 37 (quasi-) experiments. We find that financial education treatments have, on average, sizeable impacts on financial knowledge (+0.33 SD), similar to educational interventions in other domains. Additionally, we document smaller effects on financial behaviors among students (+0.07 ...
Economics of Education Review
78 (2020), 101930, 15 S.
| Tim Kaiser, Lukas Menkhoff