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325 results, from 161
  • Video

    BCCP Conference and Policy Forum 2017: BCCP Distinguished Policy Fellow Award

    Gerd Billen, State Secretary to the Federal Minister of Justice and Consumer Protection, received the BCCP Distinguished Policy Fellow Award. The fellowship was awarded by  Gerhard Wagner, Professor of Law, Humboldt University Berlin.

    27.06.2017| Veranstaltungsrückblick
  • Video

    BCCP Conference and Policy Forum 2017: Algorithms and Consumer Targeting

    Digital markets are characterized by consumer targeting and customization of products and services. Firms such as Amazon or Google use algorithms to increase their product quality, such as search results or the targeting of advertising. These algorithms rely on past consumer search and browsing behavior to learn and improve results in real-time. This session discusses the extent to which the use...

    27.06.2017| Veranstaltungsrückblick
  • Video

    BCCP Conference and Policy Forum 2017: Concluding Remarks

    Concluding remarks held by Hannes Ullrich, research associate in the Firms and Market department, DIW Berlin.

    27.06.2017| Veranstaltungsrückblick
  • Conference

    BCCP Conference and Policy Forum 2017

    The tremendous growth of digital transactions – mainly through online platforms – has profoundly affected the way we interact and has opened vast opportunities to improve our lives. The disruptive impact of this process is driven by one core feature: its ability to reduce inefficiencies. Consumers have benefited from an unprecedented proliferation of new services and products that...

  • Diskussionspapiere 1912 / 2020

    Financial Literacy and Intertemporal Arbitrage

    We study the role of financial literacy for inter-temporal decision-making using an adapted version of the Convex Time Budget Protocol (Andreoni and Sprenger 2012). While we find no evidence of dynamically inconsistent preferences in the aggregate, we document substantial heterogeneity in choice-patterns and estimated parameters at the individual-level: We find that subjects with higher levels of financial ...

    2020| Luis Oberrauch, Tim Kaiser
  • Diskussionspapiere 1914 / 2020

    The Relationship between Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion

    About two billion people in the world do not own a financial account and there are many more who use financial services only occasionally. In the past, initiatives which address these problems of financial exclusion focused on the supply side of financial markets, in particular by increasing the branch network of banks and by offering cheap bank products. While this had the desired effect, recent ...

    2020| Antonia Grohmann, Lukas Menkhoff
  • DIW Roundup 137 / 2020

    Why Are We Eating so Much Meat?

    There are various reasons why humans may want to reduce their consumption of meat and other animal products. In the following, we lay out important stylized facts about individual meat consumption, and then discuss the challenges and puzzles surrounding effective behavior change toward more sustainable, plant-based diets.

    2020| Jana Friedrichsen, Manja Gärtner
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Financial Education in Schools: A Meta-Analysis of Experimental Studies

    We study the literature on school financial education programs for children and youth via a quantitative meta-analysis of 37 (quasi-) experiments. We find that financial education treatments have, on average, sizeable impacts on financial knowledge (+0.33 SD), similar to educational interventions in other domains. Additionally, we document smaller effects on financial behaviors among students (+0.07 ...

    In: Economics of Education Review 78 (2020), 101930, 15 S. | Tim Kaiser, Lukas Menkhoff
  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Data Network Effects: The Example of Internet Search

    Abstract:   The rise of dominant firms in data driven industries is often credited to their alleged data advantage. Empirical evidence lending support to this conjecture is lacking. In this paper, we show that data as an input into machine learning tasks displays features that favor the hypothesis that data is a source of market power. We study the search result quality for search keywords on...

    06.12.2019| Maximilian Schäfer
  • Diskussionspapiere 1823 / 2019

    The Effect of Personalized Feedback on Small Enterprises’ Finances in Uganda

    This RCT examines the effect of a new style finance training during which participants are given personalized feedback on their financial business outcomes in addition to a “rules-of-thumb” training approach. We compare this to the effects of a “rules-of-thumb” training by itself and to a control group. Targeting about 500 small and micro entrepreneurs in Kampala, Uganda, we find that the personalized ...

    2019| Antonia Grohmann, Lukas Menkhoff, Helke Seitz
325 results, from 161