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325 results, from 171
  • Diskussionspapiere 1920 / 2020

    Subgroup Analysis of Investment Constraints: Evidence from Ugandan Microenterprises

    This study examines the effect of a soft commitment device in the form of a savings goal calendar on savings for small business owners in Kampala, Uganda. We run a randomized controlled trial (RCT) under which the treatment group receives a calendar designed to set savings goals and to make a plan to reach this goal. The control group is given a plain calendar. We find no average effect on savings, ...

    2020| Helke Seitz
  • Diskussionspapiere 1888 / 2020

    Partitioned Pricing and Consumer Welfare

    In online commerce, obfuscation strategies by sellers are hypothesized to mislead consumers to their detriment and to the profit of sellers. One such obfuscation strategy is partitioned pricing in which the price is split into a base price and add-on fees. While empirical evidence suggests that partitioned pricing affects consumer decisions through salience effects, its consumer welfare consequences ...

    2020| Kevin Ducbao Tran
  • Diskussionspapiere 1860 / 2020

    The Financial Accelerator, Wages, and Optimal Monetary Policy

    I study the effects of labor market outcomes on firms' loan demand and credit intermediation. I first show in partial equilibrium that the presence of frictions in the banking sector lowers the capital factor demand elasticity to changes in real wages. This finding helps to connect the substitutability of labor and capital with credit conditions. Second, I use a new Keynesian banking model with an ...

    2020| Tobias König
  • SOEPpapers 977 / 2018

    Drivers of Renewable Technology Adoption in the Household Sector

    Using representative household survey panel data from Germany, we undertake a simultaneous assessment of the importance of factors that have individually been found significant for the adoption of renewable energy systems but have never been tested jointly. These are sociodemographic and housing characteristics, environmental concern, personality traits, and economic factors, i.e. the expected costs ...

    2018| Anke Jacksohn, Peter Grösche, Katrin Rehdanz, Carsten Schröder
  • Diskussionspapiere 1720 / 2018

    Financial Literacy and Intra-Household Decision Making: Evidence from Rwanda

    Despite considerable policy efforts, women continue to be underrepresented in positions of power and decision making. As an important aspect of women empowerment, we examine women’s participation in intrahousehold financial decision making and how this is affected by financial literacy. Using both OLS and IV regression analysis, we show that women with higher financial literacy are more involved in ...

    2018| Antonia Grohmann, Annekathrin Schoofs
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Does Financial Literacy Improve Financial Inclusion? Cross Country Evidence

    While financial inclusion is typically addressed by improving the financial infrastructure, we show that a higher degree of financial literacy also has a clear beneficial effect. We study this effect at the cross-country level, which allows us to consider institutional variation. Regarding “access to finance”, financial infrastructure and financial literacy are mainly substitutes. However, regarding ...

    In: World Development 111 (2018), S. 84-96 | Antonia Grohmann, Theres Klühs, Lukas Menkhoff
  • DIW Weekly Report 39 / 2019

    Monetary Policy Can Have Heterogeneous Effects on the Investment Behavior of Women and Men

    The ultra-loose monetary policy of recent years has raised concerns that the low interest rate environment may overly benefit households with specific demographic and financial characteristics. In this context, monetary policy can be a potential driver of gender wealth inequality, since women are known to be more risk averse, less financially literate, and to participate less in the financial markets ...

    2019| Caterina Forti Grazzini, Chi Hyun Kim
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Drivers of Renewable Technology Adoption in the Household Sector

    Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, we undertake a simultaneous assessment of the importance of factors that are individually found to be significant for the adoption of renewable energy systems by households but are not yet tested jointly. These are sociodemographic and housing characteristics, environmental concern, personality traits, and economic factors; i.e. the expected costs of ...

    In: Energy Economics 81 (2019), S. 216-226 | Anke Jacksohn, Peter Grösche, Katrin Rehdanz, Carsten Schröder
  • Diskussionspapiere 1681 / 2017

    Inference of Consumer Consideration Sets

    When consumers face a large number of alternatives, they tend to simplify the decision problem by reducing the number of available alternatives to a subset of relevant alternatives, i.e. a consideration set. Since consideration sets are typically unobserved, most studies in the demand literature have to assume a consideration model. If these consideration models are misspecified, the demand estimates ...

    2017| Anna Lu
  • Diskussionspapiere 1891 / 2020

    Inform Me When It Matters: Cost Salience, Energy Consumption, and Efficiency Investments

    Effective attention to information may play a prominent role in consumer choice for energy-intensive services and it may simply be a function of receiving timely information when consumption takes place. This paper investigates whether and why the timing of utility bills leads to salience bias in heat energy consumption. In Germany, the 12-month billing period varies across buildings with a significant ...

    2020| Puja Singhal
325 results, from 171