Diskussionspapiere 2083 / 2024
A plethora of sustainable finance taxonomies are emerging worldwide to support shifting trillions for climate action. Employing a qualitative research approach, we use document analysis to assess 26 sustainable finance taxonomy frameworks worldwide that are in the developing phase or have been published and/or adopted. Based on literature and data we build a transition score (TS) to evaluate the framework’s ...
2024| Catherine Marchewitz, Fernanda Ballesteros, Franziska Schütze, Nesrine Hadj Arab
DIW Weekly Report 16/17/18 / 2024
The German electricity market has recovered well from the 2022 energy crisis. Policymakers should now redirect the focus of energy policy to further expanding renewable energy sources. The year 2023 showed that the German electricity supply remained secure following the shutdown of nuclear power plants. It is possible, affordable, and plausible in light of climate policy to cover 80 percent of electricity ...
2024| Mario Kendziorski, Lukas Barner, Claudia Kemfert, Christian von Hirschhausen, Enno Wiebrow
DIW Weekly Report 15 / 2024
German companies view high and uncertain electricity prices a major challenge. A Renewable Energy Pool (RE-Pool), wherein the favorable conditions of competitive tenders for new wind and solar power projects are passed on to electricity consumers, could hedge such price risks. Consumers’ electricity prices are thus hedged for the share of their consumption that corresponds to the RE-Pool’s generation ...
2024| Karsten Neuhoff, Mats Kröger, Leon Stolle
Refereed essays Web of Science
Understanding how consumers respond to turbulent market conditions is crucial for planning security of natural gas supply. This paper estimates the price elasticity of demand of small consumers in Germany in the period with both high price fluctuations and a fear of natural gas shortage in the aftermath of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Using granular data between 2018 and 2023, we estimate an Auto ...
Energy Efficiency
17 (2024), 98, 22 S.
| David Jamissen, Johanne Vatne, Franziska Holz, Anne Neumann
Refereed essays Web of Science
Techno-economic studies are investigating procurement costs of hydrogen and related derivatives across various international trade routes. However, the strategic behavior of exporters is rarely considered in this context, despite similar behavior frequently observed in the fossil fuel world and market characteristics indicating some potential. This work introduces a novel techno-economic model of oligopolistic ...
311 (2024), 133284, 17 S.
| Lukas Barner
Externe Monographien
Für Länder auf der ganzen Welt stellt der Übergang zur Klimaneutralität eine Chance für Wirtschaftswachstum und Wohlstand dar. Gleichzeitig haben die Transformation der Wirtschaft und die mit ihr einhergehenden Staatsausgaben wichtige verteilungspolitische Implikationen. Die politischen Debatten um Energie- und Klimapolitik zeigen, wie wichtig es ist, diese verteilungspolitischen Implikationen zu verstehen, ...
TU Berlin,
XV, 132 S.
| Mats Kröger
Externe Monographien
Die Klima- und Umweltkrise ist eine der größten Bedrohungen für die Menschheit, und ihre Folgen sind allumfassend. Exemplarisch für die negativen Auswirkungen des Klimawandels werden in dieser Dissertation die Auswirkungen der klimawandelbedingten Ozonbelastung auf die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden der Menschen untersucht, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf den unterschiedlichen Effekten von Ozon auf vulnerable ...
Technische Universität Berlin,
XVIII, 182 S.
| Julia Rechlitz
Other refereed essays
Climate policy will inevitably lead to the stranding of fossil energy assets such as production and transport assets for coal, oil, and natural gas. Resource-rich developing countries are particularly affected, as they have a higher risk of asset stranding due to strong fossil dependencies and wider societal consequences beyond revenue disruption. However, there is only little academic and political ...
Frontiers in Environmental Economics
3 (2024), 1273315, 18 S.
| Franziska M. Hoffart, Franziska Holz
Refereed essays Web of Science
Africa is one of the most vulnerable continents to climate change. Climate and sustainability-linked bonds can provide funding to African governments and corporations for projects that help to mitigate climate change, combat biodiversity loss, and foster sustainable development. However, less than 0.3% of the global environmental, social, governance (ESG) bond issuance volume is devoted to projects ...
Eurasian Economic Review
14 (2024), S. 149–173
| Samuel Mutarindwa, Dorothea Schäfer, Andreas Stephan