Diskussionspapiere 1227 / 2012
We calculate the expected incidence of the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU-ETS) using industry and household-level data. By combining data on direct CO2 emissions by production sector from the German Environmental Account with the German Input-Output Accounts, we calculate the CO2 intensity of each sector covered by the EU-ETS. We focus on the impact of price increases in the electricity ...
2012| Martin Beznoska, Johanna Cludius, Viktor Steiner
Refereed essays Web of Science
This study investigates the relationship between regional housing market fundamentals and energy consumption. We argue that dwellings, in particularly rental properties, are not only consumer goods, but also constitute financial market assets. Properties are spatially fixed and traded in regional contexts, where real estate market characteristics like vacancy, income levels, and expectations determine ...
The Energy Journal
37 (2016), 4, S. 25-43
| Marius Claudy, Claus Michelsen
Externe Monographien
By using estimates from an Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS), we investigate how the German energy tax on car fuels changes the private households’ CO2 emissions, living standards, and post-tax income distribution. Our results show that the tax implies a trade-off between the aim to reduce emissions and vertical equity, which refers to the idea that people with a greater ability to pay taxes should ...
Freie Univ. Berlin, FB Wirtschaftswiss.,
40 S.
(Discussion Paper / School of Business & Economics ; 2015,06)
| Dragana Nikodinoska, Carsten Schröder
DIW Roundup 44 / 2014
Climate change mitigation and the transformation to a global low-carbon economy is a pressing issue in policy discussions and international negotiations. The political debate is supported by the scientific community with a large number of projections, pathway simulations and scenario analyses of the global energy system and its development over the next decades. These studies are often based on numerical ...
2014| Daniel Huppmann, Franziska Holz
Refereed essays Web of Science
This paper argues that the development of energy systems rests on a combination of three different domains of socio-economic processes and associated modes of decision-making. For shorthand these are termed ‘satisficing’, ‘optimising’, and ‘transforming’ domains, with corresponding underpinnings found in behavioural, neoclassical, and evolutionary economics respectively. Each domain operates at different ...
Technological Forecasting & Social Change
98 (2015), S. 290-302
| Michael Grubb, Jean-Charles Hourcade, Karsten Neuhoff
Research Project
About Our Project
The project researches the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in Brazil, Germany/EU, India, Indonesia and South Africa, by research-based policy advice and capacity building. The project will especially analyse policy and financial instruments that support the just transition to a climate-friendly pathway and that can contribute to the mobilization of...
Completed Project| Climate Policy
Diskussionspapiere 1513 / 2015
International offset certificates trade at lower prices than European Union Allowances (EUAs), although they are substitutes within the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) for CO2. Firms therefore had a strong incentive to use the cheaper certificates. However, a considerable number of firms did not use their allowed offset quota and, by doing so, seemingly forwent profits. While most of the literature ...
2015| Helene Naegele
Refereed essays Web of Science
The North and Baltic Seas Grid is one of the largest pan-European infrastructure projects, increasing the potential of harnessing large amounts of renewable energy. This paper addresses the economic implications of different development scenarios of the North and Baltic Seas Grid on individual countries and stakeholders which may raise concerns about the implementation in largely nationally dominated ...
Utilities Policy
27 (2013), S. 123-134
| Jonas Egerer, Friedrich Kunz, Christian von Hirschhausen
Diskussionspapiere 1126 / 2011
Under perfect competition on the output market, first best technology subsidies in the presence of learning by doing are justified by knowledge spill overs that are not accounted for by individual companies. First best output subsidies are thus depending directly on the learning effects and are, if applicable, positive. Considering electricity markets, a setting of imperfect competition is more appropriate. ...
2011| Thure Traber, Claudia Kemfert
Externe Monographien
In Germany, emission allowances (European Union Allowances, EUAs) for the first trading period (2005-2007) were allocated completely free of charge. In the second trading period (2008-2012) annual volumes of 40 million EUAs will be sold (Article 19 ZuG (Zuteilungsgesetz – The German Allocation Act) 2012). After an initial phase during which EUAs have been sold by the state-owned bank KfW Bankengruppe ...
62 S.
(Climate Change ; 06/2009)
| Joachim Schleich, Barbara Breitschopf, Jochen Diekmann