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657 results, from 631
  • Diskussionspapiere 414 / 2004

    The Amenity Value of Climate to German Households

    This study uses the hedonic approach to measure the amenity value of climate in Germany. Unlike in earlier research separate hedonic wage and house price regressions are estimated for relatively small geographic areas and formal tests undertaken to determine whether the coefficients describing the impact of climate variables are homogenous across these areas. Evidence suggests that German households ...

    2004| Katrin Rehdanz, David Maddison
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    The European Union Emissions Trading System: Ten Years and Counting

    This article provides an introduction to the European Union (EU) Emissions Trading System (ETS). First we describe the legislative development of the EU ETS, its evolution from free allocation to auctioning and centralized allocation rules, its relationship to the Kyoto Protocol and other trading systems, and its relationship to other EU climate and energy policies. This is followed by an assessment ...

    In: Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 10 (2016), 1, S. 89-107 | Denny Ellerman, Claudio Marcantonini, Aleksandar Zaklan
  • Externe Monographien

    An Analysis of Allowance Banking in the EU ETS

    The existence of some 2 billion unused EU Allowances (EUAs) at the end of Phase II of the EU's Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) has sparked considerable debate about structural shortcomings of the EU ETS. At the same time, there has been a surprising lack of interest in one possible explanation of this accumulation of EUAs: the theory of intertemporal permit trading, i.e. allowance banking. In this ...

    Florenz: EUI, 2015, 23 S.
    (EUI Working Papers: RSCAS ; 2015/29)
    | Denny Ellerman, Vanessa Valero, Aleksandar Zaklan
  • Externe Monographien

    Why Do Emitters Trade Carbon Permits? Firm-Level Evidence from the European Emission Trading Scheme

    The creation of the EU's Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS) has turned the right to emit CO2 into a positively priced intermediate good for the affected firms. Firms thus face the decision whether to source compliance with the EU ETS within their boundaries or to acquire it through the permit trade. However, a combination of internal abatement, free permit allocation and flexibility to shift the use ...

    Florenz: EUI, 2013, 23 S.
    (EUI Working Papers: RSCAS ; 2013/19)
    | Aleksandar Zaklan
  • Externe Monographien

    The EU ETS: Eight Years and Counting

    This paper provides an introduction to the EU's Emissions Trading System. As such it provides a discussion of the historical and legal context in which the EU ETS developed and now operates, a presentation of the key performance indicators for the first eight years through the end of the second phase in 2012, and some concluding observations on the system's future. The paper is purposively descriptive ...

    Florenz: EUI, 2014, 23 S.
    (EUI Working Papers: RSCAS ; 2014/04)
    | Denny Ellerman, Claudio Marcantonini, Aleksandar Zaklan
  • Externe Monographien

    Financial Incentives for Low Carbon Investment: Dissertation

    Zur Bekämpfung des Klimawandels haben politische Entscheidungsträger auf europäischer, nationaler und regionaler Regierungsebene CO2-Reduktionsziele formuliert, die erhebliche Investitionen erfordern. Studien haben zahlreiche Marktbarrieren ermittelt, die diese Investitionen verhindern. Zur Überwindung dieser Barrieren wurden regulatorische, preis- und informationsbasierte Politikinstrumente implementiert. ...

    Berlin: TU Berlin, 2014, X, 102 S. | Anne Schopp
  • DIW Economic Bulletin 4 / 2014

    Climate Protection through Biochar in German Agriculture: Potentials and Costs

    In recent years, there has been much discussion about biochar - a carbonaceous product made of biomass - as a promising technique for mitigating climate change. In particular, this method has the potential to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere for the long term by incorporating biochar into the soil while enhancing soil fertility at the same time. A research project conducted by DIW Berlin calculated ...

    2014| Isabel Teichmann
  • Other refereed essays

    Market Driven Power Plant Investment Perspectives in Europe: Climate Policy and Technology Scenarios until 2050 in the Model EMELIE-ESY

    In the framework of the Energy Modeling Forum 28, we investigate how climate policy regimes affect market developments under different technology availabilities on the European power markets. We use the partial equilibrium model EMELIE-ESY with focus on electricity markets in order to determine how private investors optimize their generation capacity investment and operation over the horizon 2010 to ...

    In: Climate Change Economics 4 (2013), 1, 22 S. | Andreas Schröder, Thure Traber, Claudia Kemfert
  • Diskussionspapiere 1268 / 2013

    Market Driven Power Plant Investment Perspectives in Europe: Climate Policy and Technology Scenarios until 2050 in the Model EMELIE-ESY

    EMELIE-ESY is a partial equilibrium model with focus on electricity markets. Private investors optimize their generation capacity investment and dispatch over the horizon 2010 to 2050. In the framework of the Energy Modeling Forum 28, we investigate how climate policy regimes affect market developments under different technology availabilities and climate policies on the European power markets. The ...

    2013| Andreas Schröder, Thure Traber, Claudia Kemfert
  • Diskussionspapiere 1275 / 2013

    Why Do Emitters Trade Carbon Permits? Firm-Level Evidence from the European Emission Trading Scheme

    The creation of the EU's Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS) has turned the right to emit CO2 into a positively priced intermediate good for the affected firms. Firms thus face the decision whether to source compliance with the EU ETS within their boundaries or to acquire it through the permit trade. However, a combination of internal abatement, free permit allocation and exibility to shift the use of ...

    2013| Aleksandar Zaklan
657 results, from 631