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855 results, from 31
  • Nicht-referierte Aufsätze

    Kindergeld oder Kinderfreibetrag? Ein steuer- und familienpolitischer Evergreen

    In: Wirtschaftsdienst 104 (2024), 2, S. 70-71 | Stefan Bach
  • Externe Monographien

    The Long-Term Implications of Destruction During the Second World War on Private Wealth in Germany

    By the end of the Second World War, an estimated 20 percent of the West German housing stock had been destroyed. Building on a theoretical lifecycle model of wealth accumulation, this paper examines the extent to which regional differences in destruction can explain differences in wealth today” – at the beginning of the 21st century. As our empirical basis, we link a unique historical dataset on the ...

    Rochester : SSRN, 2023, 80 S. | Christoph Halbmeier, Carsten Schroeder
  • Externe Monographien

    Soziale Ungleichheiten der mütterlichen und kindlichen Gesundheit: Die Geburt aus dem Blickwinkel der Soziologie ; Dissertation

    Köln: Universität, 2014, V, 128 S. | Anita Kottwitz
  • DIW Weekly Report 32/33/34 / 2024

    Income, Work, and Health Satisfaction Differ Primarily by Household Income, Age, and Parental Status

    Subjective well-being is essential for both quality of life and a healthy society. Studies have shown that satisfied people have better relationships, are more productive, and have a longer life expectancy. General life satisfaction is being discussed as an alternative measure of prosperity beyond GDP. Thus, findings on this topic are relevant for both the scientific community as well as policymakers. ...

    2024| Laura Buchinger, Theresa Entringer, Daniel Graeber
  • SOEPpapers 1209 / 2024

    Codevelopment of Life Goals and the Big Five Personality Traits Across Adulthood and Old Age

    Since the new millennium, research in the field of personality development has focused on the stability and change of basic personality traits. Motivational aspects of personality and their longitudinal association with basic traits have received comparably little attention. In this preregistered study, we applied bivariate latent growth curve modeling to investigate the codevelopment of nine life ...

    2024| Laura Buchinger, Theresa Entringer, David Richter, Gert G. Wagner, Denis Gerstorf, Wiebke Bleidorn
  • SOEPpapers 1205 / 2024

    The Cost of Fair Pay: How Child Care Work Wages Affect Formal Child Care Hours, Informal Child Care Hours, and Employment Hours

    The debate on the effects of child care policies on household and individual behavior is substantial but lacks a discussion of the unintended consequences of rising wages in the child care work sector. To address this gap in the debate, the relation between rising pay and formal child care hours, informal child care hours, and employment hours is analyzed empirically with a case study on child care ...

    2024| Verena Löffler
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Health of Parents, Their Children's Labor Supply, and the Role of Migrant Care Workers

    In: Journal of Labor Economics (2025) im Ersch. | Wolfgang Frimmel, Martin Halla, Jörg Paetzold, Julia Schmieder
  • Diskussionspapiere 2068 / 2024

    The Broken Elevator: Declining Absolute Mobility of Living Standards in Germany

    This study provides the first absolute income mobility estimates for postwar Germany. Using various micro data sources, we uncover a steep decline in absolute mobility rates from 81 percent to 59 percent for children’s birth cohorts 1962 through 1988. This trend is robust across different ages, family sizes, measurement methods, copulas, and data sources. Across the parental income distribution, we ...

    2024| Timm Bönke, Astrid Harnack-Eber, Holger Lüthen
  • Diskussionspapiere 2099 / 2024

    Child Penalties in Labour Market Skills

    Child penalties in labour market outcomes are well-documented: after childbirth, mothers’ employment and earnings drop persistently compared to fathers. Beyond gender norms, a potential driver could be the loss in labour market skills due to mothers’ longer employment interruptions. This paper estimates child penalties in adult cognitive skills by adapting the pseudo-panel approach to a single cross-section ...

    2024| Jonas Jessen, Lavinia Kinne, Michele Battisti
  • DIW Weekly Report 9 / 2024

    No Lasting Increase in the Gender Care Gap in Germany after the Coronavirus Pandemic

    The gender care gap, i.e., the difference between the amount of unpaid care work—such as childcare and housework—performed between men and women is comparatively high in Germany: Women take on much more unpaid care work than men. This gap increases consistently when starting a family. At the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, many feared that the gender care gap may grow even larger. In ...

    2024| Jonas Jessen, Lavinia Kinne, Katharina Wrohlich
855 results, from 31