Mit dem vorliegenden Bericht eröffnen wir unsere Reihe der Zusammenhaltsberichte desFGZ. Die Zusammenhaltsberichte sollen auf der Grundlage der im FGZ erhobenen Dateneine interessierte Öffentlichkeit über zentrale Befunde und Analysen zum gesellschaftlichenZusammenhalt in Deutschland informieren. Mit dem Fokus auf Datenerhebungen ergänzendie am Forschungsdatenzentrum des FGZ (FDZ-FGZ) koordinierten ...
In this project, we will evaluate and compare the impact of unemployment, parental leave and short- time work on the careers of men and women, as well as on the gender division of unpaid care work within families. In particular, we address the question of whether involuntary paid leave in form of short-time work affects gender gaps in the labor market as well as the existing gender division of...
As part of the ERC Consolidator Grant WEALTHTRAJECT, Philipp Lersch will break new ground in wealth research over the next five years, and further expand the range of high quality data collection by SOEP. WEALTHTRAJECT is the first project to comprehensively and systematically investigate diversity in long-term wealth trajectories within and between social groups. The starting point of the...
Prior literature finds stability in personal culture, such as attitudes and values, in individuals’ life courses using short-running panel data. This work has concluded that lasting change in personal culture is rare after formative early years. This conclusion conflicts with a growing body of evidence for changes in personal culture after significant life course transitions, drawing on long-running ...
Who makes it to the top? We use the leading, socio-economic survey in Germany supplemented by extensive data on the rich to answer this question. We identify the key predictors for belonging to the top 1 percent of income, wealth, and both distributions jointly. Although we consider many, only a few traits matter: Entrepreneurship and self-employment in conjunction with a sizable inheritance of company ...
The German Social Cohesion Panel (SCP) is a probability-based self-administered longitudinal study in a mixed-mode design (PAPI and CAWI) that is jointly carried out by the Research Institute Social Cohesion (RISC) and the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP). The aim of the study is to capture the diversity of social cohesion in Germany from multiple perspectives, particularly regarding the extent to ...
Concerns about inequality and questions of social justice and cohesion have re-entered the public arena and animate debate. In his Nobel prize lecture in 2015, Angus Deaton has outlined three imperatives that are key to understanding inequalities and formulating welfare-enhancing policies: (I) Differences in resources across individuals should be measured not only at specific points in time but...