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  • SOEPpapers 784 / 2015

    Do More of Those in Misery Suffer from Poverty, Unemployment or Mental Illness?

    Studies of deprivation usually ignore mental illness. This paper uses household panel data from the USA, Australia, Britain and Germany to broaden the analysis. We ask first how many of those in the lowest levels of life-satisfaction suffer from unemployment, poverty, physical ill health, and mental illness. The largest proportion suffer from mental illness. Multiple regression shows that mental illness ...

    2015| Sarah Flèche, Richard Layard
  • Externe Monographien

    To Marry or Not to Marry: Essays on Partnership Formation and Economic Labor Market Behavior of Married and Cohabiting Couples ; Dissertation

    Die Wahl der Partnerschaft (Ehe oder eheähnliche Gemeinschaft) spielte bis in die 1970er Jahre eine eher untergeordnete Rolle in der ökonomischen Forschung. Der Grund hierfür ist die simple Tatsache, dass die Ehe die einzige anerkannte Form einer Partnerschaft war. Das Konstrukt der eheähnlichen Gemeinschaft spielte bis dato eine untergeordnete Rolleund wurde höchstens als Vorstufe der Ehe betrachtet. ...

    Berlin: Technische Universität, 2015, XIV, 100 S. | Doreen Triebe
  • Diskussionspapiere 1514 / 2015

    The Dynamics of Earnings in Germany: Evidence from Social Security Records

    This paper uncovers ongoing trends in idiosyncratic earnings volatility across generations by decomposing residual earnings auto-covariances into a permanent and a transitory component. We employ data on complete earnings life cycles forprime age men born 1935 through 1974 that covers earnings between 1960 and 2009. Over this period, the German labor market undergoes a heavy transformation and experiences ...

    2015| Timm Bönke, Matthias Giesecke, Holger Lüthen
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    The European Union Emissions Trading System: Ten Years and Counting

    This article provides an introduction to the European Union (EU) Emissions Trading System (ETS). First we describe the legislative development of the EU ETS, its evolution from free allocation to auctioning and centralized allocation rules, its relationship to the Kyoto Protocol and other trading systems, and its relationship to other EU climate and energy policies. This is followed by an assessment ...

    In: Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 10 (2016), 1, S. 89-107 | Denny Ellerman, Claudio Marcantonini, Aleksandar Zaklan
  • DIW Berlin - Politikberatung kompakt 99 / 2015

    Quantitative Easing - What Are the Side Effects on Income and Wealth Distribution: In-Depth Analysis

    2015| Kerstin Bernoth, Philipp J. König, Benjamin Beckers, Caterina Forti Grazzini
  • Externe Monographien

    European-Wide Inequality in Times of the Financial Crisis

    In view of rising concerns over increasing inequality in the European Union since the financial crisis, this study provides an inequality decomposition of the overall European income distribution by country. The EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions are our empirical basis. Inequality has risen moderately within the core Euro area, particularly in the last two years of the observation period ...

    Berlin: Freie Univ. Berlin, FB Wirtschaftswiss., 2015, 36 S.
    (Discussion Paper / School of Business & Economics ; 2015,14)
    | Timm Bönke, Carsten Schröder
  • Externe Monographien

    An Analysis of Allowance Banking in the EU ETS

    The existence of some 2 billion unused EU Allowances (EUAs) at the end of Phase II of the EU's Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) has sparked considerable debate about structural shortcomings of the EU ETS. At the same time, there has been a surprising lack of interest in one possible explanation of this accumulation of EUAs: the theory of intertemporal permit trading, i.e. allowance banking. In this ...

    Florenz: EUI, 2015, 23 S.
    (EUI Working Papers: RSCAS ; 2015/29)
    | Denny Ellerman, Vanessa Valero, Aleksandar Zaklan
  • Diskussionspapiere 1482 / 2015

    European-Wide Inequality in Times of the Financial Crisis

    In view of rising concerns over increasing inequality in the European Union since the financial crisis, this study provides an inequality decomposition of the overall European income distribution by country. The EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions are our empirical basis. Inequality has risen moderately within the core Euro area, particularly in the last two years of the observation period ...

    2015| Timm Bönke, Carsten Schröder
  • SOEPpapers 365 / 2011

    How Important Is the Family? Evidence from Sibling Correlations in Permanent Earnings in the US, Germany and Denmark

    This paper is the first to analyze intergenerational economic mobility based on sibling correlations in permanent earnings in Germany and to provide a cross-country comparison of Germany, Denmark, and the US. The main findings are as follows: the importance of family and community background in Germany is higher than in Denmark and comparable to that in the US. This holds true for brothers and sisters. ...

    2011| Daniel D. Schnitzlein
  • Diskussionspapiere 1057 / 2010

    Profitability of Pension Contributions: Evidence from Real-Life Employment Biographies

    Micro-econometric intra-cohort profitability analyses of pay-as-you-go (PAYG) pension contributions are rare. We use representative employment histories of a birth cohort of German PAYG pension insurants retiring in year 2005 to econometrically examine the determinants of the profitability of such contributions using nominal internal rates of return (IRR) as profitability measure. When future nominal ...

    2010| Carsten Schröder