In this project, a top-corrected wealth distribution is estimated on the basis of the inheritance tax statistics and the SOEP. We analyze the concentration of wealth, the portfolios of the wealthy, the importance of inherited wealth, the gender inheritance gap and the gender wealth gap as well as reactions to inheritance taxation.
This paper examines the effects of a unilateral reform of a redistributive tax-transfer system in an open economy. Compared to autarky, a tax increase leads to a smaller decline in aggregate income in the open economy, and it is also more effective at reducing income inequality, provided the tax rates are sufficiently low. Aggregating effects on income and income inequality using an Atkinson social ...
This dissertation consists of four empirical chapters which contribute to the fields of labor economics and inequality research. The first chapter examine whether gender differences exist in fairness evaluation of own earnings. Previous studies found that women tend to evaluate their own pay more favorably than men. Contented women are speculated to not seek higher wages, thus the ‘paradox of the contented ...
This article examines the evolution of the gender wealth gap in Germanyduring the first decade of the XXI century. This period is characterized byan increase in labour supply of women and change in occupational structure dueto numerous reforms undertaken by the government. We use the Firpo, Fortin,Lemieux detailed decomposition technique throughout the wealth distribution toidentify the main factors ...
This dissertation consists of five independent chapters contributing to the field of applied economics. The first three chapters analyze workers' perceptions of the wage penalty associated with working part-time, further evaluating the labor supply implications of biased beliefs. Chapter 4 quantifies the effects of raising the normal retirement age on the career trajectories of middle-aged workers ...
Diese Dissertation besteht aus fünf unabhängigen Kapiteln, die einen Beitrag zur Literatur im Bereich der Gesundheits- und Familienökonomie leisten. Das Hauptthema ist die Frage, wie sich sozial- und familienpolitische Maßnahmen auf die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden von verschiedenen Generationen - Kindern, Eltern und Großeltern - auswirken.Kapitel 2 analysiert den kausalen Effekt einer Anhebung ...
By the end of the Second World War, an estimated 20 percent of the West German housing stock had been destroyed. Building on a theoretical lifecycle model of wealth accumulation, this paper examines the extent to which regional differences in destruction can explain differences in wealth today” – at the beginning of the 21st century. As our empirical basis, we link a unique historical dataset on the ...
Objectives SARS-CoV-2 infections were unequally distributed during the pandemic, with those in disadvantaged socioeconomic positions being at higher risk. Little is known about the underlying mechanism of this association. This study assessed to what extent educational differences in SARS-CoV-2 infections were mediated by working from home.Methods We used data of the German working population derived ...