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708 results, from 551
  • SOEPpapers 548 / 2013

    Musn't Grumble: Immigration, Health and Health Service Use in the UK and Germany

    A rise in population caused by increased immigration, is sometimes accompanied by concerns that the increase in population puts additional or differential pressure on welfare services which might affect the net fiscal contribution of immigrants. The UK and Germany have experienced significant increases in immigration in recent years. This study uses longitudinal data from both countries to examine ...

    2013| Jonathan Wadsworth
  • SOEPpapers 737 / 2015

    Does the Burglar Also Disturb the Neighbor? Crime Spillovers on Individual Well-Being

    Indirect psychological effects induced by crime are likely to contribute significantly to the total costs of crime beyond the financial costs of direct victimization. Using detailed crime statistics for the whole of Germany and linking them to individual-level mental health information from the German Socio-Economic Panel, we analyze whether local crime rates affect the mental health of residents. ...

    2015| Daniel Avdic, Christian Bünnings
  • SOEPpapers 741 / 2015

    How Health Plan Enrollees Value Prices Relative to Supplemental Benefits and Service Quality

    This paper empirically assesses the relative role of health plan prices, service quality and optional benefits in the decision to choose a health plan. We link representative German SOEP panel data from 2007 to 2010 to (i) health plan service quality indicators, (ii) measures of voluntary benefit provision on top of federally mandated benefits, and (iii) health plan prices for almost all German health ...

    2015| Christian Bünnings, Hendrik Schmitz, Harald Tauchmann, Nicolas R. Ziebarth
  • SOEPpapers 702 / 2014

    Long-Term Care Insurance and Carers' Labor Supply: A Structural Model

    In Germany, individuals in need of long-term care receive support through benefits of the long-term care insurance. A central goal of the insurance is to support informal care provided by family members. Care recipients can choose between benefits in kind (formal home care services) and benefits in cash. From a budgetary perspective family care is a cost-saving alternative to formal home care and to ...

    2014| Johannes Geyer, Thorben Korfhage
  • SOEPpapers 648 / 2014

    A Dynamic Hurdle Model for Zero-Inflated Count Data: With an Application to Health Care Utilization

    A Dynamic Hurdle Model for Zero-Inflated Count Data: With an Application to Health Care UtilizationExcess zeros are encountered in many empirical count data applications. We provide a new explanation of extra zeros, related to the underlying stochastic process that generates events. The process has two rates, a lower rate until the first event, and a higher one thereafter. We derive the corresponding ...

    2014| Gregori Baetschmann, Rainer Winkelmann
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    SHARELIFE - One Century of Life Histories in Europe

    Welfare state interventions shape our life courses in almost all of their multiply linked domains. In this introduction, we sketch how cross-nationally comparative retrospective data can be fruitfully employed to better understand these links and the long-run effects of the welfare state at the same time. We briefly introduce SHARE, the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, and SHARELIFE, ...

    In: Advances in Life Course Research 18 (2013), 1, S. 1-4 | Axel Börsch-Supan, Martina Brandt, Mathis Schröder
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Long-Term Antecedents and Outcomes of Perceived Control

    Perceived control plays an important role in shaping development throughout adulthood and old age. Using data from the adult lifespan sample of the national German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP; N > 10,000, covering 25 years of measurement), we explored long-term antecedents, correlates, and outcomes of perceived control and examined if associations differ with age. Targeting correlates and antecedents ...

    In: Psychology and Aging 26 (2011), 3, S. 559-575 | Frank J. Infurna, Denis Gerstorf, Nilam Ram, Jürgen Schupp, Gert G. Wagner
  • SOEPpapers 355 / 2011

    Long-Term Antecedents and Outcomes of Perceived Control

    Perceived control plays an important role in shaping development throughout adulthood and old age. Using data from the adult lifespan sample of the national German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP; N > 10,000, covering 25 years of measurement), we explored long-term antecedents, correlates, and outcomes of perceived control and examined if associations differ with age. Targeting correlates and antecedents ...

    2011| Frank J. Infurna, Denis Gerstorf, Nilam Ram, Jürgen Schupp, Gert G. Wagner
  • SOEPpapers 352 / 2011

    Assessing the Effectiveness of Health Care Cost Containment Measures

    Using SOEP panel data and difference-in-differences methods, this study is the first to empirically evaluate the effectiveness of four different health care cost containment measures within an integrated framework. The four measures investigated were introduced in Germany in 1997 to reduce moral hazard and public health expenditures in the market for convalescent care. Doubling the daily copayments ...

    2011| Nicolas R. Ziebarth
  • SOEPpapers 270 / 2010

    Obesity and Happiness

    This paper provides insight on the relationship between obesity and happiness. Using the latest available cross sectional data from Germany (GSOEP 2006), UK (BHPS 2005), and Australia (HILDA 2007). We examine whether there is evidence on the impact of overweight on subjective well being. The Hausman test is employed in the univariate and multivariate specifications chosen and reveals evidence for the ...

    2010| Marina-Selini Katsaiti
708 results, from 551