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702 results, from 561
  • SOEPpapers 305 / 2010

    Childbearing History, Later Life Health, and Mortality in Germany

    Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, we investigated the role of childbearing history in later life health and mortality, paying particular attention to possible differences by sex and region. Higher parity is associated with better self-rated health in Western German mothers and fathers aged 50+, but its relationship with Eastern German women's physical health and survival is negative. ...

    2010| Karsten Hank
  • ESCIRRU- Papers 26 / 2010

    Legacy from the Transition? Alcohol Consumption by Young Adults in Ukraine

    The study analyses the effects of transition on the amount and patterns of alcohol consumption. We test the hypothesis of how far negative experiences induced by the collapse of the Soviet Union have led to drinking in the young generation of Ukrainians. We use data coming from the Ukrainian Longitude Monitoring Survey (ULMS) to identify both determinants and patterns of alcohol consumption among young ...

    2010| Alexandra Avdeenko, Carlos Bozzoli, Tilman Brück
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Late-Life Decline in Well-Being across Adulthood in Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States: Something Is Seriously Wrong at the End of Life

    Throughout adulthood and old age, levels of well-being appear to remain relatively stable. However, evidence is emerging that late in life well-being declines considerably. Using long-term longitudinal data of deceased participants in national samples from Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States, we examined how long this period lasts. In all 3 nations and across the adult age range, well-being ...

    In: Psychology and Aging 25 (2010), 2, S. 477-485 | Denis Gerstorf, Nilam Ram, Guy Mayraz, Mira Hidajat, Ulman Lindenberger, Gert G. Wagner, Jürgen Schupp
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Dynamics of Health and Labor Market Risks

    While there is little doubt that the probability of poor health increases with age, and that less healthy people face a more difficult situation on the labor market, the precise relationship between facing the risks of health deterioration and labor market instability is not well understood. Using 12 years of data from the German Socio-Economic Panel we study the nature of the relationship between ...

    In: Journal of Health Economics 28 (2009), 6, S. 1116-1125 | Peter Haan, Michal Myck
  • Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 1 / 2001

    The Effect of Job Displacement on Subsequent Health

    Using data from the 1994-1996 waves of the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP), this prospective longitudinal study investigates the association between job displacement and subsequent self-assessed health (SAH). The sample consists of 253 displaced workers and a comparison group of 6,934 continuously-employed workers. Controlling for baseline SAH and standard demographic characteristics, we find no ...

    2001| William T. Gallo, Elizabeth H. Bradley, Stanislav V. Kasl
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    In Vino Pecunia? The Association between Beverage-Specific Drinking Behavior and Wages

    The positive association between moderate alcohol consumption and wages is well documented in the economic literature. Positive health effects as well as networking mechanisms serve as explanations for the "alcohol-income puzzle". Using individual-based microdata from the SOEP for 2006, we confirm that this relationship exists for Germany as well. More importantly, we shed light on the alcohol-income ...

    In: Journal of Labor Research 30 (2009), 3, S. 219-244 | Nicolas R. Ziebarth, Markus M. Grabka
  • Diskussionspapiere 888 / 2009

    Long-Term Absenteeism and Moral Hazard: Evidence from a Natural Experiment

    Sick leave payments represent a significant portion of public health expenditures and labor costs. Reductions in replacement levels are a commonly used instrument to tackle moral hazard and to increase the efficiency of the health insurance market. In Germany's Statutory Health Insurance (SHI) system, the replacement level for periods of sickness of up to six weeks was reduced from 100 percent to 80 ...

    2009| Nicolas R. Ziebarth
  • SOEPpapers 172 / 2009

    Long-Term Absenteeism and Moral Hazard: Evidence from a Natural Experiment

    Sick leave payments represent a significant portion of public health expenditures and labor costs. Reductions in replacement levels are a commonly used instrument to tackle moral hazard and to increase the efficiency of the health insurance market. In Germany's Statutory Health Insurance (SHI) system, the replacement level for periods of sickness of up to six weeks was reduced from 100 percent to 80 ...

    2009| Nicolas R. Ziebarth
  • Diskussionspapiere 779 / 2008

    In Vino Pecunia? The Association between Beverage-Specific Drinking Behavior and Wages

    The positive association between moderate alcohol consumption and wages is well documented in the economic literature. Positive health effects as well as networking mechanisms serve as explanations for the "alcohol-income puzzle." Using individual-based microdata from the GSOEP for 2006, we confirm that this relationship exists for Germany as well. More importantly, we shed light on the alcohol-income ...

    2008| Nicolas R. Ziebarth, Markus M. Grabka
  • SOEPpapers 93 / 2008

    In Vino Pecunia? The Association between Beverage-Specific Drinking Behavior and Wages

    The positive association between moderate alcohol consumption and wages is well documented in the economic literature. Positive health effects as well as networking mechanisms serve as explanations for the "alcohol-income puzzle". Using individual-based microdata from the GSOEP for 2006, we confirm that this relationship exists for Germany as well. More importantly, we shed light on the alcohol-income ...

    2008| Nicolas R. Ziebarth, Markus M. Grabka
702 results, from 561