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702 results, from 571
  • SOEPpapers 122 / 2008

    Changes in Immigrants' Body Mass Index with Their Duration of Residence in Germany

    This paper investigates how immigrants' Body Mass Index (BMI) changes with increasing years since migration in Germany. The data are drawn from three waves (2002, 2004, and 2006) of the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP). The results indicate a clear increase of the BMI with additional years in Germany for men and women.

    2008| Monika Sander
  • SOEPpapers 126 / 2008

    The Intergenerational Transmission of Health in Early Childhood

    The prevalence and importance of children's physical health problems have been increasingly recognized in recent years. Physical health problems of children such as obesity, motor impairment and chronic diseases cause social costs. Further, they can lead directly to adult physical health problems, which cause additional social costs. This paper examines the intergenerational link and transmission of ...

    2008| Katja Coneus, C. Katharina Spieß
  • Externe Monographien

    The Intergenerational Transmission of Health in Early Childhood

    Mannheim: ZEW, 2008, 38 S.
    (Discussion Paper / Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung ; 08-73)
    | Katja Coneus, C. Katharina Spieß
  • Sonstige Publikationen des DIW / Aufsätze 2008

    Does Family Poverty Affect the Health of Newborn Children?

    2008| Marcus Tamm
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Adult Height and Childhood Disease

    Taller populations are typically richer populations, and taller individuals live longer and earn more. In consequence, adult height has recently become a focus in understanding the relationship between health and wealth. We investigate the childhood determinants of population adult height, focusing on the respective roles of income and of disease. Across a range of European countries and the United ...

    In: Demography 46 (2009), 4, S. 647-669 | Carlos Bozzoli, Angus Deaton, Climent Quintana-Domeque
  • Externe Monographien

    Adult Height and Childhood Disease

    Madrid: Fundación de Estudios de Economía Aplicada, 2008, 45 S.
    (Documento de trabajo / FEDEA ; 2008-25 : Serie Economia de la Salud y Hábitos de Vida)
    | Carlos Bozzoli, Angus Deaton, Climent Quintana-Domeque
  • SOEPpapers 147 / 2008

    Is There Migration-Related Inequity in Access to or in the Utilisation of Health Care in Germany?

    This paper analyses immigrants' access to health care and utilisation of health care services in Germany. Thereby, it is investigated if there is inequity in access to or in the utilisation of health care services due to a lack of language skills or due to a lack of information about the health care system (approximated by years since migration)among first- and secondgeneration immigrants. The data ...

    2008| Monika Sander
  • SOEPpapers 248 / 2009

    The Effects of a Sick Pay Reform on Absence and on Health-Related Outcomes

    We evaluate the effects of a reduction in sick pay from 100 to 80% of the wage. Unlike previous literature, apart from absence from work, we also consider effects on doctor/hospital visits and subjective health indicators. We also add to the literature by estimating both switch-on and switch-off effects, because the reform was repealed two years later. We find a two-day reduction in the number of days ...

    2009| Patrick A. Puhani, Katja Sonderhof
  • SOEPpapers 211 / 2009

    Measurement of Health, the Sensitivity of the Concentration Index, and Reporting Heterogeneity

    Using representative survey data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) for 2006, we show that the magnitude of such health inequality measures as the concentration index (CI) depends crucially on the underlying health measure. The highest degree of inequality is found when dichotomized subjective health measures like health satisfaction or self-assessed health (SAH) are employed. Measures ...

    2009| Nicolas R. Ziebarth
  • SOEPpapers 195 / 2009

    Dynamics of Poor Health and Non-employment

    While there is little doubt that the probability of poor health increases with age, and that less healthy people face a more difficult situation on the labour market, the precise relationship between facing the risks of health deterioration and labour market instability is not well understood. Using twelve years of data from the German Socio-Economic Panel we study the nature of the relationship between ...

    2009| Peter Haan, Michal Myck
702 results, from 571