SOEPpapers 716 / 2014
In this paper we present sibling and neighbor correlations in school grades and cognitive skills as well as indicators of physical and mental health for a sample of German adolescents. In a first step, we estimate sibling correlations and find substantial influence of shared family and community background on all outcomes. To further disentangle the influence of family background and neighborhood, ...
2014| Elisabeth Bügelmayer, Daniel D. Schnitzlein
DIW Economic Bulletin 12 / 2014
Shocks experienced during early childhood can harm the long term growth of children. We examine the potential impact of extreme weather events on children’s height,taking the example of Mongolia, which is frequently plagued by extreme winters. Our focus is on the unusually harsh winter of 2009/10, which caused the deaths of over 10 million animals, approximately 23.9 percent of the country’s entire ...
2014| Valeria Groppo, Kati Krähnert
DIW Economic Bulletin 12 / 2014
DIW Economic Bulletin 12 / 2014
Colombia has the highest number of internally displaced refugees in the world after Syria. The decade-long ongoing armed conflict between the Colombian police and the armed forces, paramilitaries, and guerilla groups has caused 5.7 million people—more than ten percent of the population—to flee their homelands. Many of them are women and children, driven off their lands, in most cases, to the misery ...
2014| Nina Wald
SOEPpapers 733 / 2015
We estimate the impact of a differential treatment of paid employees versus self-employed workers in a public health insurance system on the entry rate into entrepreneurship. In Germany, the public health insurance system is mandatory for most paid employees, but not for the self-employed, who usually buy private health insurance. Private health insurance contributions are relatively low for the young ...
2015| Frank M. Fossen, Johannes König
DIW Roundup 48 / 2014
Retirement leads to changes in daily life that may affect health positively or negatively. Existing empirical evidence is inconclusive: While a few studies identify negative health effects, the majority of studies find no or positive effects of retirement on health. The mechanisms behind these effects remain unclear, as is the question of which parts of the population benefit most from retirement. ...
2014| Peter Eibich
Refereed essays Web of Science
Using a sample of Europeans aged 50+ from 12 countries in the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), we analyse the role of poor material conditions as a determinant of changes in health over a four- to five-year period. We find that poverty defined with respect to relative income has no effect on changes in health. However, broader measures of poor material conditions, such as ...
Social Science & Medicine
116 (2014), S. 202-210
| Maja Adena, Michal Myck
SOEPpapers 638 / 2014
This paper provides an empirical analysis of reference-dependent effects of unemployment on mental well-being. We show that the negative effect of unemployment on mental well-being depends on expectations about the future employment status. Several contributions to the literature have shown that the perception of the individual employment status depends on the surrounding unemployment rate. We argue ...
2014| Martina Grunow
SOEPpapers 639 / 2014
Information on the number of interviewer contacts allows insights into how people's responses to questions on happiness are connected to the difficulty of reaching potential participants. Using the paradata of the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP), this paper continues such research by revealing a strong link between respondent motivation and reported happiness. Analyses of responses by future ...
2014| Adrian Chadi
Externe Monographien
Health care is an important sector in all European countries showing a high dynamic in the past. In 2011 about 23 million persons were employed in health and social care, that is to say 10.4 % of total employment. The share of health care expenditures in GDP was 10 %. The health care workforce increased despite the overall trend of declining employment also during the economic crisis. The high dynamic ...
3, 25 S.
(NEUJOBS Working Paper ; D12.1, Suppl. A)
| Erika Schulz