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715 results, from 621
  • SOEPpapers 501 / 2012

    Rethinking the Relative Income Hypothesis

    Income comparisons have been found to be important for individual health. However, the literature has so far looked solely at upward comparisons, disregarding the effects of comparisons with worse-off individuals. In this paper, I use a broad definition of relative income to test simultaneously for the effect of "upward" and "downward" income comparisons on health. Relative deprivation and relative ...

    2012| Cristina Blanco-Perez
  • SOEPpapers 424 / 2011

    Work Hours Constraints and Health

    The issue of whether employees who work more hours than they want to suffer adverse health consequences is important not only at the individual level but also for governmental formation of work time policy. Our study investigates this question by analyzing the impact of the discrepancy between actual and desired work hours on self-perceived health outcomes in Germany and the United Kingdom. Based on ...

    2011| David Bell, Steffen Otterbach, Alfonso Sousa-Poza
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Welfare-Related Health Inequality: Does the Choice of Measure Matter?

    Using representative microdata from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP), we show that the welfare measure choice has a substantial impact on the degree of welfare-related health inequality. To assess the sensitivity of welfare-related health inequality measures, we combine a unique set of income and wealth measures with different subjective, cardinalized, and (quasi-)objective health measures. ...

    In: The European Journal of Health Economics 14 (2013), 3, S. 431-442 | Joachim R. Frick, Nicolas R. Ziebarth
  • Externe Monographien

    Remittances and Children's Capabilities: New Evidence from Kyrgyzstan, 2005-2008

    Bonn: IZA, 2012, 47 S.
    (Discussion Paper Series / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit ; 6293)
    | Antje Kröger, Kathryn Anderson
  • SOEPpapers 420 / 2011

    Smoking and Returns to Education: Empirical Evidence for Germany

    Looking at smoking-behavior it can be shown that there are differences concerning the time-preference-rate. Therefore this has an effect on the optimal schooling decision in the way that we assume a lower average human capital level for smokers. According to a higher time-preference-rate we suppose a higher return to education for smokers who go further on education. With our empirical fondings we ...

    2011| Julia Reilich
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Pollution Exposure and Child Health: Evidence for Infants and Toddlers in Germany

    This paper examines the impact of outdoor pollution and parental smoking on children's health from birth until the age of three years in Germany. We use representative data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP), combined with five air pollution levels. These data were provided by the Federal Environment Agency and cover theyears 2002-2007. Our work makes two important contributions. First, we ...

    In: Journal of Health Economics 31 (2012), 1, S. 180-196 | Katja Coneus, C. Katharina Spieß
  • Diskussionspapiere 1167 / 2011

    The Effect of Health and Employment Risks on Precautionary Savings

    This paper extends the idea of using ex-ante risk measures in a model of precautionary savings by explicitly simulating future net-income risks. The uncertainty measure takes into account the interdependency of labour market status and health. The model is estimated for prime age males using the German Socio-Economic Panel Study for years 2001-2007. The empirical analysis is conducted using a measure ...

    2011| Johannes Geyer
  • Diskussionspapiere 1170 / 2011

    Remittances and Children's Capabilities: New Evidence from Kyrgyzstan, 2005-2008

    The Kyrgyz Republic is one of the largest recipients of international remittances in the world; from a Balance of Payments measure of remittances, it ranked tenth in the world in 2008 in the ratio of remittances to GDP, a rapid increase from 30th place in 2004. Remittances can be used to maintain the household's standard of living by providing income to families with unemployed and underemployed adult ...

    2011| Antje Kröger, Kathryn Anderson
  • SOEPpapers 398 / 2011

    Comparing the Predictive Power of Subjective and Objective Health Indicators: Changes in Hand Grip Strength and Overall Satisfaction with Life as Predictors of Mortality

    Self-reported measures of health are generally treated as weak measures of respondents' objective health status. On the other hand, most surveys use self-reported health to measure health status and to determine the effects of a range of other socio-economic characteristics of the local environment on individual health. It is therefore of interest to the public health research community to verify the ...

    2011| Jens Ambrasat, Jürgen Schupp, Gert G. Wagner
  • SOEPpapers 386 / 2011

    Using Geographically Referenced Data on Environmental Exposures for Public Health Research: A Feasibility Study Based on the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP)

    Background: In panel datasets information on environmental exposures is scarce. Thus, our goal was to probe the use of area-wide geographically referenced data for air pollution from an external data source in the analysis of physical health. Methods: The study population comprised SOEP respondents in 2004 merged with exposures for NO2, PM10 and O3 based on a multi-year reanalysis of the EURopean Air ...

    2011| Sven Voigtländer, Jan Goebel, Thomas Claßen, Michael Wurm, Ursula Berger, Achim Strunk, Hendrik Elbern
715 results, from 621