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715 results, from 651
  • SOEPpapers 639 / 2014

    Dissatisfied with Life or with Being Interviewed? Happiness and Motivation to Participate in a Survey

    Information on the number of interviewer contacts allows insights into how people's responses to questions on happiness are connected to the difficulty of reaching potential participants. Using the paradata of the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP), this paper continues such research by revealing a strong link between respondent motivation and reported happiness. Analyses of responses by future ...

    2014| Adrian Chadi
  • Diskussionspapiere 1320 / 2013

    Health-Related Life Cycle Risks and Public Insurance

    This paper proposes a dynamic life cycle model of health risks, employment, early retirement, and wealth accumulation in order to analyze the health-related risks of consumption and old age poverty. In particular, the model includes a health process, the interaction between health and employment risks, and an explicit modeling of the German public insurance schemes. I rely on a dynamic programming ...

    2013| Daniel Kemptner
  • Diskussionspapiere 1314 / 2013

    First Do No Harm. Then Do Not Cheat: DRG Upcoding in German Neonatology

    Since 2003 German hospitals are reimbursed according to diagnosis related groups (DRGs). Patient classification in neonatology is based inter alia on birth weight, with substantial discontinuities in reimbursement at eight different thresholds. These discontinuities create strong incentives to upcode preterm infants into classes of lower birth weight. Using data from the German birth statistics 1996 ...

    2013| Hendrik Jürges, Juliane Köberlein
  • Other refereed essays

    Physical Activity Patterns of European 50+ Populations

    Many aspects of the economic transition which started in 1989 in Poland are by now complete. However, the route Polish governments have so far taken concerning the system of support for low-income families still implies very different poverty alleviation schemes compared to those found in many developed countries. We examine the Polish system of social assistance in a comparative context with Germany ...

    In: Advances in Rehabilitation 3 (2010), 3, S. 6-13 | Michal Myck
  • Externe Monographien

    Child Morbidity and Camp Decongestion in Post-war Uganda

    Brighton: MICROCON, 2010, 23 S.
    (MICROCON Research Working Paper ; 24)
    | Carlos Bozzoli, Tilman Brück
  • Externe Monographien

    Pollution Exposure and Infant Health: Evidence from Germany

    Mannheim: ZEW, 2010, 20 S.
    (Discussion Paper / Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung ; 10-079)
    | Katja Coneus, C. Katharina Spieß
  • SOEPpapers 39 / 2007

    Self-Productivity in Early Childhood

    Self-productivity is a crucial feature in the process of skill formation. It means that skills and health acquired at one stage in the life cycle enhance skills and health formation at later stages. This paper presents an empirical investigation of self-productivity in early childhood in Germany. The data are drawn from the mother-child questionnaire of the German Socio-Economic Panel for the birth ...

    2007| Katja Coneus, Friedhelm Pfeiffer
  • ESCIRRU- Papers 12 / 2009

    The Impact of Chernobyl on Health and Labour Market Performance in the Ukraine

    Using longitudinal data from the Ukraine we examine the extent of any long-lasting effects of radiation exposure from the Chernobyl disaster on the health and labour market performance of the adult workforce. The variation in the local area level of radiation fallout from the Chernobyl accident is considered as a potential instrument to try to establish the causal impact of poor health on labour force ...

    2009| Hartmut Lehmann, Jonathan Wadsworth
  • Diskussionspapiere 786 / 2008

    Obesity and Developmental Functioning Among Children Aged 2-4 Years

    In developed countries, obesity tends to be associated with worse labor market outcomes. One possible reason is that obesity leads to less human capital formation early in life. This paper investigates the association between obesity and the developmental functioning of children at younger ages (2-4 years) than ever previously examined. Data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study are used to estimate ...

    2008| John Cawley, C. Katharina Spieß
  • SOEPpapers 312 / 2010

    Pollution Exposure and Infant Health: Evidence from Germany

    This paper examines the impact of outdoor and indoor pollution on children's health from birth until the age of three years in Germany. We use representative data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP), combined with five air pollution levels. These data come from the Federal Environment Agency and cover the years 2002-2007. Our work offers three important contributions. Firstly, we use accurate ...

    2010| Katja Coneus, C. Katharina Spieß
715 results, from 651