DIW Economic Bulletin 9 / 2015
Aircraft noise is a particularly problematic source of noise as many airports are located in or near major cities and, as a result, densely populated areas are affected. Data from the Berlin Aging Study II (Berliner Altersstudie II, BASE-II), whose socio-economic module is based on the longitudinal Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) study which has been conducted since 1984, allows us to examine the effect ...
2015| Peter Eibich, Konstantin Kholodilin, Christian Krekel, Gert G. Wagner
DIW Economic Bulletin 9 / 2015
Refereed essays Web of Science
We investigate the welfare impact of parallel imports using a large panel dataset containing monthly information on sales, ex-factory prices, and further product characteristics for all 649 anti-diabetic drugs sold in Germany between 2004 and 2010. We estimate a two-stage nested logit model of demand, and on the basis of an oligopolistic model of multi-product firms, we then recover the marginal costs ...
Health Economics
23 (2014), 9, S. 1036-1057
| Tomaso Duso, Annika Herr, Moritz Suppliet
Diskussionspapiere 1373 / 2014
We investigate the welfare impact of parallel imports using a large panel data set containing monthly information on sales, ex-factory prices, and further product characteristics for all 700 anti-diabetic drugs sold in Germany between 2004 and 2010. We estimate a two-stage nested logit model of demand and, based on an oligopolistic model of multiproduct firms, we then recover the marginal costs and ...
2014| Tomaso Duso, Annika Herr, Moritz Suppliet
SOEPpapers 604 / 2013
This publication concentrates on the complex interplay between poverty, wealth and life satisfaction. Main areas of life are quantified in a multidimensional approach of poverty and wealth: Individual income, current health, occupational autonomy or employment status and also the mentioned life satisfaction. Data used in this publication were made available by the German Socio Economic Panel Study ...
2013| André Hajek
Sonstige Publikationen des DIW / Aufsätze 2016
2016| Peter Eibich, Konstantin A. Kholodilin, Christian Krekel, Gert G. Wagner
Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 3 / 2015
In 2010 the Greek economy entered a deep economic crisis. This was the result of an accumulation of structural problems in the economy, including overspending and loss of competitiveness during the previous decades, translating into persistently large budget and trade deficits. In 2015, under its third EU and IMF bailout, Greece has entered a spiral of depression that has led to its economy shrinking ...
2015| Xeni Dassiou
SOEPpapers 425 / 2011
This paper employs a multidimensional approach for the measurement of well-being at the top of the distribution using German SOEP micro data. Besides income as traditional indicator for material well-being, we include health as a proxy for nonmaterial quality of life as well as self-reported satisfaction with life as dimensions. We find that one third of the German population is well-off in at least ...
2011| Andreas Peichl, Nico Pestel
SOEPpapers 415 / 2011
In a simple 2-period model of relative income under uncertainty, higher comparison income for the younger cohort can signal higher or lower expected lifetime relative income, and hence either increase or decrease well-being. With data from the German Socio-Economic Panel and the British Household Panel Survey, we first confirm the standard negative effects of comparison income on life satisfaction ...
2011| Felix R. FitzRoy, Michael A. Nolan, Max F. Steinhardt, David Ulph
SOEPpapers 350 / 2010
We analyze the effect of household indebtedness on different health outcomes using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel from 1999-2009. To establish a causal effect, we rely on (a) fixed-effects methods, (b) a subsample of constantly employed individuals, and (c) lagged debt variables to rule out problems of reverse causality. We apply different measures of household indebtedness, such as the ...
2010| Matthias Keese, Hendrik Schmitz