Refereed essays Web of Science
Using representative micro data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP), this paper delivers new insights into the development of income inequality and regional stratification in Germany after unification. This paper applies a new method for detecting social stratification by a decomposition of the Gini index that yields the obligatory between- and within-group components as well as an 'overlapping' ...
Regional Studies
42 (2008), 4, S. 555-577
| Joachim R. Frick, Jan Goebel
SOEPpapers 130 / 2008
This article holds the view that intertemporal comparisons of subjective well-being measures are only meaningful when the underlying standards of judgment are unaltered. This is a weak point of such measures. The study investigates the change in the satisfaction judgments resulting from adaptation to income over time. Adaptation is defined to be desensitization (sensitization) to the hedonic effect ...
2008| Christoph Wunder
Refereed essays Web of Science
In trying to capture complete within-household heterogeneity, household panel surveys typically try to interview all adult household members. Following from this, such surveys tend to suffer from partial unit nonresponse (PUNR), that is, the nonresponse of at least one member of an otherwise participating household, most likely yielding an underestimation of aggregate household income. Using data from ...
Sociological Methods & Research
41 (2012), 1, S. 89-123
| Joachim R. Frick, Markus M. Grabka, Olaf Groh-Samberg
Externe Monographien
The overhaul of the German system of old-age provision raises concerns about the future distribution of pension rights. Therefore, it is critical to gain a thorough understanding of the role pension wealth plays in the individual's total wealth holdings, but also what individual-level and institutional factors facilitate or impede successful pension building that allow individuals to retire with a ...
Technische Universität,
XIV, 334 S.
| Anika Rasner
SOEPpapers 213 / 2009
The paper investigates maternity leave behavior in West Germany for females being employed between 1995 and 2006 using data from the German Socio Economic Panel. The observational study focuses on the investigation of individual and family-related covariate effects on the duration of maternity leave following first or second childbirth, respectively. Dynamic duration time models are used in which covariate ...
2009| Torben Kuhlenkasper, Göran Kauermann
Diskussionspapiere 896 / 2009
In a standard dynamic stochastic general equilibrium framework, with sticky prices, the cross sectional distribution of output and inflation across a population of firms is studied. The only form of heterogeneity is confined to the probability that the ith changes its prices in response to a shock. In this Calvo setup the moments of the cross sectional distribution of output and inflation depend crucially ...
2009| Jörg Döpke, Michael Funke, Sean Holly, Sebastian Weber
SOEPpapers 215 / 2009
Income as the traditional one dimensional measure in well-being and poverty analyses is extended in recent studies by a multidimensional poverty concept. Though this is certainly a progress, however, two important aspects are missing: time as an important dimension and the interdependence of the often only separately counted multiple poverty dimensions. Our paper will contribute to both aspects: First, ...
2009| Joachim Merz, Tim Rathjen
Refereed essays Web of Science
Top-down computable general equilibrium (CGE) models are used extensively for analysis of energy and climate policies. Energy-intensive industries are usually represented in top-down economic models as abstract economic production functions, commonly of the constant-elasticity-of-substitution (CES) or translog functional form. This study explores methods for improving the realism of energy-intensive ...
Energy Economics
29 (2007), 4, S. 799-825
| Katja Schumacher, Ronald D. Sands
Refereed essays Web of Science
In Germany, processes can be observed that have long been out of keeping with the principle of equality of opportunity. Unemployment is concentrated in the structurally weak peripheral areas, in Eastern Germany in particular; emigration of young and better-educated people to the West is not diminishing, but contrary to expectation is again on the increase; aging processes have set in already, and when ...
Social Indicators Research
83 (2007), 2, S. 283-307
| Annette Spellerberg, Denis Huschka, Roland Habich
SOEPpapers 50 / 2007
In normative public economics it is crucial to know how fast the marginal utility of income declines as income increases. One needs this parameter for cost-benefit analysis, for optimal taxation and for the (Atkinson) measurement of inequality. We estimate this parameter using four large cross-sectional surveys of subjective happiness and two panel surveys. Altogether, the data cover over 50 countries ...
2007| Richard Layard, Guy Mayraz, Stephen J. Nickell