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532 results, from 11
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Assessing the Social and Environmental Impacts of Critical Mineral Supply Chains for the Energy Transition in Europe

    Advanced technologies are inherently dependent on critical minerals and their related metals. The mining extraction of these critical minerals leads to significant social and environmental impacts that extend beyond the regions where those advanced technologies are ultimately used. This study explores the global socio-environmental challenges arising from the European Climate Law's aim for net-zero ...

    In: Global Environmental Change 86 (2024), 102841, 18 S. | Etienne Berthet, Julien Lavalley, Candy Anquetil-Deck, Fernanda Ballesteros, Konstantin Stadler, Ugur Soytas, Michael Hauschild, Alexis Laurent
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    'Climate Neutral' is a Lie — Abandon It as a Goal: Correspondence

    In: Nature 591 (2021), 7848, S. 34 | Claudia Kemfert
  • Diskussionspapiere 2083 / 2024

    Sustainable Finance Taxonomies: Enabling the Transition towards Net Zero? A Transition Score for International Frameworks

    A plethora of sustainable finance taxonomies are emerging worldwide to support shifting trillions for climate action. Employing a qualitative research approach, we use document analysis to assess 26 sustainable finance taxonomy frameworks worldwide that are in the developing phase or have been published and/or adopted. Based on literature and data we build a transition score (TS) to evaluate the framework’s ...

    2024| Catherine Marchewitz, Fernanda Ballesteros, Franziska Schütze, Nesrine Hadj Arab
  • Externe Monographien

    Five Essays in Energy Economics: Numerical and Empirical Perspectives on the Decarbonization of the Energy Sector

    Diese Dissertation behandelt die Herausforderungen der Dekarbonisierung im Energiesektor aus verschiedenen Perspektiven mit unterschiedlichen Methoden. Kapitel 1 liefert Hintergrund und Motivation. Kapitel 2 analysiert die Beziehung zwischen geografischer und zeitlicher Flexibilität im Strommarkt in einem Szenario mit 100% erneuerbaren Energien in zwölf mitteleuropäischen Ländern. Unter Anwendung eines ...

    Berlin: Technische Universität Berlin, 2024, XIX, 195 S. | Alexander Roth
  • Externe Monographien

    Air Pollution Impacts and Energy Infrastructure Efficiency: Empirical Evidence with Official Micro Data

    Die Klima- und Umweltkrise ist eine der größten Bedrohungen für die Menschheit, und ihre Folgen sind allumfassend. Exemplarisch für die negativen Auswirkungen des Klimawandels werden in dieser Dissertation die Auswirkungen der klimawandelbedingten Ozonbelastung auf die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden der Menschen untersucht, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf den unterschiedlichen Effekten von Ozon auf vulnerable ...

    Berlin: Technische Universität Berlin, 2023, XVIII, 182 S. | Julia Rechlitz
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Nobody Decides for All — Modeling Incentives and Policies for Closing the Material Loop

    In: Ecological Economics 227 (2025), 108407, 19 S. | Xi Sun, Karsten Neuhoff
  • Weitere externe Aufsätze

    Can the Financial Sector Protect the Climate? The Potential of Sustainable Finance

    Climate policy aims to reduce emissions by redirecting investment from emission-intensive toward carbon-neutral assets. One key instrument, carbon pricing, guides investors and asset managers by lowering the return of fossil fuel-related assets. This chapter reviews three key mechanisms on how sustainable finance can support climate policy: first, providing investors with the necessary information ...

    In: Karen Wendt, Bernd Villhauer (Eds.) , Sustainable Wealth Management : Directing Capital Towards Sustainability
    S. 23-44
    | Kai Lessmann, Franziska Schütze, Angelika von Dulong, Daniel Engler, Gunnar Gutsche, Achim Hagen, Christian Klein, Andrew McConnell, Oliver Schenker, Marie Theres von Schickfus, Boyan Yanovski
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Certification against Greenwashing in Nascent Bond Markets: Lessons from African ESG Bonds

    Africa is one of the most vulnerable continents to climate change. Climate and sustainability-linked bonds can provide funding to African governments and corporations for projects that help to mitigate climate change, combat biodiversity loss, and foster sustainable development. However, less than 0.3% of the global environmental, social, governance (ESG) bond issuance volume is devoted to projects ...

    In: Eurasian Economic Review 14 (2024), S. 149–173 | Samuel Mutarindwa, Dorothea Schäfer, Andreas Stephan
  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Growing Clean? Directing Technological Change in Germany

    The emerging net zero paradigm requires economies to go green; and Europe’s ambition is to lead the way. This requires directing technological change toward cleaner growth, which intersects with green industrial policies in the form of green innovation subsidies. Leveraging a quasi-exhaustive novel dataset on German R&D subsidies, we provide rigorous evidence on whether green R&D subsidies...

    14.02.2024| Nils Handler, DIW Berlin
  • Other refereed essays

    Impacts of Electric Carsharing on a Power Sector with Variable Renewables

    Electrifying the car fleet is a major strategy for mitigating emissions in the transport sector. As electrification cannot solve all negative externalities associated with cars, reducing the size of the car fleet would be beneficial. Electric carsharing could reconcile current car usage habits with a smaller fleet, but this may reduce the potential of electric cars to align their grid interactions ...

    In: Cell Reports Sustainability 1 (2024), 6, 100241, 13 S. | Adeline Guéret, Wolf-Peter Schill, Carlos Gaete-Morales
532 results, from 11