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532 results, from 491
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    How to Turn an Industry Green: Taxes versus Subsidies

    Environmental policies frequently target the ratio of dirty to green output within the same industry. To achieve such targets, the green sector may be subsidized or the dirty sector be taxed. We show that in a monopolistic competition setting, the two policy approaches have different welfare effects, depending on the design of the instrument (ad valorem versus unit instrument) and the initial situation ...

    In: Journal of Regulatory Economics 27 (2005), 2, S. 177-202 | Susanne Dröge, Philipp J. H. Schröder
  • Weitere externe Aufsätze

    Energy Taxation and Competitiveness: Special Provisions for Business in Germany's Environmental Tax Reform

    In: Hope Ashiabor, Kurt Deketelaere, Larry Kreiser, Janet Milne (Eds.) , Critical Issues in Environmental Taxation
    Richmond : Richmond Law & Tax Ltd.
    S. 135-145
    | Michael Kohlhaas
  • Weitere externe Aufsätze

    Is There a Role for EU Integrated Product Policy (IPP) in Solving Global Environmental Problems? Investigating IPP's Capacity for Correction at Source in a Global Context

    In: Frank Biermann (Ed.) , Global Environmental Change and the Nation State
    Potsdam : PIK
    S. 183-191
    Pik report ; 80
    | Lydia Illge, Klaus Hubacek, Stefan Giljum
  • Weekly Report 16 / 2005

    Climate Protection in the German Electricity Market: Opportunities for Coal Technologies through CO2 Capture and Storage?

    The German electricity market is facing two major challenges: competition and climate protection. The liberalization of the electricity sector in Europe following the directive on the single internal market is increasing competition between suppliers of electricity, while the trading in emissions certificates, which started in January 2005, aims at reducing emission of carbon dioxide. This gives a ...

    2005| Claudia Kemfert, Katja Schumacher
  • Weekly Report 23 / 2009

    CO2 Based Taxation on Cars Is Rising in Europe

    In recent years, CO2 emissions have become the leading basis of assessment for car taxes in most European countries. In July 2009, with a view to pursuing climate policy goals, also Germany began using this factor to assess taxation on cars. The DIW Berlin has carried out a systematic and quantitative comparison of car taxation in Europe.1 The results reveal high tax rates in over ten countries that ...

    2009| Dominika Kalinowska, Kerim Keser, Uwe Kunert
  • Sonstige Publikationen des DIW / Aufsätze 2016

    Aircraft Noise in Berlin Affects Quality of Life Even Outside the Airport Grounds

    2016| Peter Eibich, Konstantin A. Kholodilin, Christian Krekel, Gert G. Wagner
  • DIW Economic Bulletin 9/10 / 2016

    EU Emissions Trading: Distinctive Behavior of Small Companies

    The EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) is the cornerstone of the European Union’s climate policy and covers just under half of the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions. More than ten years since the EU ETS was first introduced, there continues to be substantial research interest regarding its functioning and the behavior of participating companies. DIW Berlin conducted three econometric studies based on ...

    2016| Helene Naegele, Aleksandar Zaklan
  • DIW Economic Bulletin 9/10 / 2016

    Transparency of Emissions Trading Data Leaves a Lot to Be Desired: Six Questions to Aleksandar Zaklan

  • Externe Monographien

    An Analysis of Allowance Banking in the EU ETS

    The existence of some 2 billion unused EU Allowances (EUAs) at the end of Phase II of the EU's Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) has sparked considerable debate about structural shortcomings of the EU ETS. At the same time, there has been a surprising lack of interest in one possible explanation of this accumulation of EUAs: the theory of intertemporal permit trading, i.e. allowance banking. In this ...

    Florenz: EUI, 2015, 23 S.
    (EUI Working Papers: RSCAS ; 2015/29)
    | Denny Ellerman, Vanessa Valero, Aleksandar Zaklan
  • DIW Economic Bulletin 9 / 2015

    Aircraft Noise in Berlin Affects Quality of Life Even Outside the Airport Grounds

    Aircraft noise is a particularly problematic source of noise as many airports are located in or near major cities and, as a result, densely populated areas are affected. Data from the Berlin Aging Study II (Berliner Altersstudie II, BASE-II), whose socio-economic module is based on the longitudinal Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) study which has been conducted since 1984, allows us to examine the effect ...

    2015| Peter Eibich, Konstantin Kholodilin, Christian Krekel, Gert G. Wagner
532 results, from 491