A considerable number of studies have found negative effects of birth order on a range of individual outcomes, from earnings and employment in adulthood to cognitive and non-cognitive skills throughout childhood and adolescence. Nevertheless, studies in developing countries exhibit positive effects, suggesting that birth order estimates may be highly context-specific. Moreover, recent evidence on the ...
This study compares two pay evaluations: pay justice and pay satisfaction. Conceptually, pay justice entails a moral assessment and is more specific to work, whereas pay satisfaction is a broader attitude that includes non-work-related factors. We analyzed German employee data and found overall similarity in determinants but differences in proximity to work contexts. Pay satisfaction was more strongly ...
Risk and uncertainty play a vital role in almost every significant economic decision, and an individual’s propensity to make riskier decisions also depends on various circumstances. This article aims to investigate the effects of social and economic covariates on an individual’s willingness to take general risks and extends the scope of existing works by using quantitative measures of risk-taking from ...
Using novel longitudinal data, this paper studies the short- and medium-term effects of Russia's invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022 on social trust of adolescents in Germany. Comparing adolescents who responded to our survey shortly before the start of the war with those who responded shortly after the conflict began and applying difference-in-differences (DiD) models over time, we find ...
Interviewer falsification, such as the complete or partial fabrication of interview data, has been shown to substantially affect the results of survey data. In this study, we apply a method to identify falsifying face-to-face interviewers based on the development of their behavior over the survey field period. We postulate four potential falsifier types: steady low-effort falsifiers, steady high-effort ...
Background: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic might affect mental health. Data from population-representative panel surveys with multiple waves including pre-COVID data investigating risk and protective factors are still rare. Methods: In a stratified random sample of the German household population (n = 6684), we conducted survey-weighted multiple linear regressions to determine the ...
In contrast to the assumptions of standard economic theory, recent experimental evidence shows that the income of peers has a systematic impact on observed degrees of risk aversion. This paper reports the findings of two experiments examining the impact of income inequality on risk preferences and whether the knowledge of inequality mediates the decisions. In Experiment 1, participants who were recruited ...
Despite considerable variation in gender-role attitudes across contexts and its claimed influence on female labour supply, studies provide little support for a contextual gender-role attitude effect. In this study, we reassess the contextual gender-role attitude effect on female labour supply because earlier studies are hampered by two shortcomings: (a) they are cross-nationally comparative, which ...