Dataset Information Survey Instruments Data Documentation Report on survey methods The study was established by the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) of the Federal Employment Agency (BA), the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB), the Family Research and Demographic Analysis (FReDA) project, the Research Center of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF-FZ) and the Socio-Economic ...
Little is known about historical shifts in subjective age (i.e., how old individuals feel). Moving beyond the very few time-lagged cross-sectional cohort comparisons, we examined historical shifts in within-person trajectories of subjective age from midlife to advanced old age. We used cohort-comparative longitudinal data from middle-age and older adults in the German Ageing Survey (N = 14,928; ~50% ...
Grundsicherungsleistungen nach SGB II und SGB XII werden häufig nicht beantragt. Auf Basis des SOEP-IS wird für Niedrigeinkommenshaushalte gezeigt, dass viele Menschen im Anspruchsfall bewusst auf eine Beantragung verzichten würden, auch wenn nur ein geringer Teil einen Bezug grundsätzlich ausschließt. Identifiziert werden verschiedene Mechanismen, die zur Nichtinanspruchnahme führen: Kosten-Nutzen-Erwägungen, ...
This study investigates the relationship between homeownership and subjective well-being. Using long panel data from Germany, we find supporting evidence for greater life satisfaction among owners compared to renters only when omitting housing characteristics. This effect reduces by more than half when comparing only owners with a mortgage to renters. Examining a variety of domain satisfactions, we ...