Christoph Halbmeier

Christoph Halbmeier

Visiting Fellow of the

German Socio-Economic Panel study Research Infrastructure

Research Topics and Working Areas

Christoph Halbmeier is a research assistant at Helmut Schmidt University and a visiting scholar at Socio-Economic Panel in Berlin. He earned his Ph.D. in economics from the Free University of Berlin, focusing his research on the distribution and inequality of wealth as well as regional disparities and development. In addition, he is working in the SOEP-LEE2 project on survey methodological questions that arise from the linkage of employer-employee data.


DIW Wochenbericht 5 / 2021

Hälfte aller Erbschaften und Schenkungen geht an die reichsten zehn Prozent aller Begünstigten

2021| Kira Baresel, Heike Eulitz, Uwe Fachinger, Markus M. Grabka, Christoph Halbmeier, Harald Künemund, Alberto Lozano Alcántara, Claudia Vogel
SOEPpapers 1055 / 2019

A Practical Guide for the Computation of Domain-Level Estimates with the Socio-Economic Panel (and Other Household Surveys)

2019| Natascha Hainbach, Christoph Halbmeier, Timo Schmid, Carsten Schröder
DIW Wochenbericht 40 / 2019

Vermögensungleichheit in Deutschland bleibt trotz deutlich steigender Nettovermögen anhaltend hoch

2019| Markus M. Grabka, Christoph Halbmeier
Refereed essays Web of Science

The Long-Term Implications of Destruction During the Second World War on Private Wealth in Germany

In: Journal of Economic Growth (2025), im Ersch. [online first: 2024-05-17] | Christoph Halbmeier, Carsten Schröder
Weitere externe Aufsätze

Private Vermögen: Höhe, Entwicklung und Verteilung

In: Sozialbericht 2024 : Ein Datenreport für Deutschland
Bonn : Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung
S. 218-227
| Markus M. Grabka, Christoph Halbmeier
Refereed essays Web of Science

SOEP-LEE2: Linking Surveys on Employees to Employers in Germany

In: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 244 (2024), 5/6 S. 671–684 | Wenzel Matiaske, Torben Dall Schmidt, Christoph Halbmeier, Martina Maas, Doris Holtmann, Carsten Schröder, Tamara Böhm, Stefan Liebig, Alexander S. Kritikos
Externe Monographien

The Long-Term Implications of Destruction During the Second World War on Private Wealth in Germany

Rochester : SSRN, 2023, 80 S. | Christoph Halbmeier, Carsten Schroeder
Externe Monographien

Empirical Essays on Inequality

Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin, 2022, XV, 212 S. | Christoph Halbmeier



Nonresponse in Organizational Surveys: Evidence from the German Socio-Economic Panel Linked Employer-Employee Survey (SOEP-LEE2)

Wenzel Matiaske, Stefan Liebig, Martina Maas, Christoph Halbmeier, Torben Dall Schmidt
Berlin, 30.06.2022 - 01.07.2022
| SOEP 2022: 14th International German Socio-Economic Panel User Conference

The Long-Term Effects of World War II Destruction on Private Wealth in Germany

Christoph Halbmeier
[Online], 01.07.2020
| SOEP Brown Bag Seminar: [Webinar]

Wealth and Savings of Migrants and Natives in Germany

Christoph Halbmeier
Paris, Frankreich, 03.07.2019 - 05.07.2019
| Eighth Meeting of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality (ECINEQ)

Why Do Migrants Accumulate Less Wealth than Natives? A Decomposition Analysis for Germany

Christoph Halbmeier
Tübingen, 28.09.2017 - 29.09.2017
| Inequality Reloaded: Tagung der Sektion "Soziale Ungleichheit und Sozialstrukturanalyse" der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie