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Julia Rechlitz

Julia Rechlitz

Ph.D. Student of the

Energy, Transportation, Environment Department

Working Areas
  • Environmental Economics
  • Energy Economics
  • Applied Microeconometrics
  • Efficiency Analysis

Julia Rechlitz is a PhD student at the DIW Berlin Graduate Center. She completed her studies in the master of industrial and network economics at the TU Berlin in 2015. She focused on applied microeconomics and energy economics. In her master’s thesis she analyzed the efficiency of German distribution system operators with respect to their ownership structure. Furthermore, she gained experience as student research assistant at the Workgroup for Infrastructure Policy (WIP) at TU Berlin and as a guest researcher at DIW Berlin.


DIW Weekly Report 13/14 / 2024

Heat Transition: Municipalities Need Federal Support in Decommissioning Natural Gas Networks

2024| Isabell Braunger, Philipp Herpich, Franziska Holz, Julia Rechlitz, Claudia Kemfert
DIW Wochenbericht 13/14 / 2024

Wärmewende: Bundesregierung sollte Kommunen bei der Stilllegung der Erdgasnetze unterstützen

2024| Isabell Braunger, Philipp Herpich, Franziska Holz, Julia Rechlitz, Claudia Kemfert
SOEPpapers 1116 / 2021

Quantifying the Externalities of Renewable Energy Plants Using Wellbeing Data: The Case of Biogas

2021| Christian Krekel, Julia Rechlitz, Johannes Rode, Alexander Zerrahn
Diskussionspapiere 1877 / 2020

Make Sure the Kids are OK: Indirect Effects of Ground-Level Ozone on Well-Being

2020| Julia Rechlitz, Luis Sarmiento, Aleksandar Zaklan
Refereed essays Web of Science

External Costs of Water Pollution in the Drinking Water Supply Sector

In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics (2024), im Ersch. [online first: 2024-07-10] | Astrid Cullmann, Julia Rechlitz, Greta Sundermann, Nicole Wägner
Externe Monographien

Air Pollution Impacts and Energy Infrastructure Efficiency: Empirical Evidence with Official Micro Data

Berlin: Technische Universität Berlin, 2023, XVIII, 182 S. | Julia Rechlitz
Weitere externe Aufsätze

Germany: The German Drinking Water Sector

In: Simon Porcher, Stéphane Saussier (Eds.) , Facing the Challenges of Water Governance
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmllan
S. 133-153
Palgrave Studies in Water Governance: Policy and Practice
| Astrid Cullmann, Julia Rechlitz, Caroline Stiel
Other refereed essays

Regional Cooperation Potentials in the European Context: Survey and Case Study Evidence from the Alpine Region

In: Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy 3 (2014), 2, S. 45-60 | Clemens Gerbaulet, Casimir Lorenz, Julia Rechlitz, Tim Hainbach



Ozone Pollution, Health and Well-Being

Julia Rechlitz, Luis Sarmiento, Aleksandar Zaklan
Leipzig, 22.09.2019 - 25.09.2019
| 30 Jahre Mauerfall - Demokratie und Marktwirtschaft: Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik 2019

Quantifying Biogas Plant Externalities Using Well-Being and Hedonic Price Data

Julia Rechlitz, Alexander Zerrahn, Johannes Rohde, Christian Krekel
Wien, Österreich, 13.02.2019 - 15.02.2019
| Freiheit, Gleichheit, Demokratie: Segen oder Chaos für Energiemärkte?: 11. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung an der TU Wien - IEWT 2019

Quantifying Biogas Plant Externalities Using Well-Being and Hedonic Price Data

Julia Rechlitz, Alexander Zerrahn, Johannes Rohde, Christian Krekel
Berlin, 19.07.2018 - 20.07.2018
| SOEP 2018: 13th International German Socio-Economic Panel User Conference

Quantifying Biogas Plant Externalities Using Well-Being and Hedonic Price Data

Julia Rechlitz, Christian Krekel, Alexander Zerrahn, Johannes Rode
Göteborg, Schweden, 25.06.2018 - 29.06.2018
| 6th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists: WCERE 2018

No One Will Notice? Evidence of External Effects of Biomass Plants on Subjective Well-Being

Julia Rechlitz, Christian Krekel, Alexander Zerrahn, Johannes Rode
Groningen, Niederlande, 10.06.2018 - 13.06.2018
| Transforming Energy Markets: 41st IAEE International Conference

Research Projects

Research Project

Modern state-owned firms' performance: An empirical analysis of productivity, market power and innovation

Current Project| Firms and Markets, Energy, Transportation, Environment