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Nils Handler

Nils Handler

Ph.D. Student of the

Graduate Center


+49 30 89789 - 540
Research Topics and Working Areas

Nils Handler entered the PhD in economics as part of the first cohort of the Berlin School of Economics in 2019. He has a keen interest in investigating policies aimed at decarbonizing the economy and achieving the energy transition at least cost. More broadly he seeks to understand how our social contract needs to be recalibrated in the light of the emerging green growth paradigm.

Nils has worked on diversifying ressource-rich economies for the past six years at the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) and more recently at the German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources. He has presented evidence-based policy advice to high-level policy makers in South Africa, Botswana, the DRC, Zambia, as well as at the OECD, and has actively participated in policy conferences in London and Mexico City. He joined the IADB as Carlo-Schmid Fellow in the Italian Executive Director’s office and is an alumnus of the German Academic Merit Foundation of Protestant Churches.

Nils is a development economist by training holding MSc degrees in Development Economics from the London School of Economics (distinction) and the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics, as well as a BSc degree in International Economics with focus on Latin America from the University of Tuebingen. During an exchange year at the University of Sao Paulo he learned Portuguese and also speaks fluent English, German, Spanish, and basic French.


Nicht-referierte Aufsätze

Corrigendum: Stranded Nations? Transition Risks and Opportunities towards a Clean Economy (2023 Environ. Res. Lett. 18 045004)

In: Environmental Research Letters 19 (2024), 8, 089501, 16 S. | Pia Andres, Penny Mealy, Nils Handler, Sam Fankhauser
Refereed essays Web of Science

Stranded Nations? Transition Risks and Opportunities towards a Clean Economy

In: Environmental Research Letters 18 (2023), 4, 045004, 35 S. | Pia Andres, Penny Mealy, Nils Handler, Samuel Fankhauser



Growing Clean? Directing Technological Change in Germany

Nils Handler
Berlin, 14.02.2024
| Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

What Drives Green Capabilities? Evidence from German Firm-Level Data

Nils Handler
[Online], 12.03.2021
| Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics, DIW Berlin: [Webinar]