Research Associate of the
German Socio-Economic Panel study Research Infrastructure
Since August 2020 Miriam Gauer is working as a research associate at the socio-economic panel. As a member of the division Survey Methodology and Manangement she works with the migration samples of the SOEP and the documentation and generation of migration related variables and constructs. Her special research interests are gender differences and gender equality within integration processes.
In the past three years she has worked as a research manager at a large, international non-governmental organization in London. In 2016 she received her master’s degree in political science from the University of Mannheim in Germany. During her master’s course she received a DAAD stipend and spent two semesters studying at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, USA. In her master’s thesis she analysed the longitudinal influence of EU family policies on gender role attitudes in 13 EU member states. For her thesis she received the Elisabeth-Altmann-Gottheiner award for outstanding theses in the area of gender- and diversity research.