Barbara Stacherl

Barbara Stacherl

Ph.D. Student of the

German Socio-Economic Panel study Research Infrastructure

Research Topics and Working Areas

Barbara started working at the SOEP Division  Applied Panel Analysis in September 2021, supporting the Leibniz ScienceCampus within the subproject SOEP RegioHealth.
Before joining DIW Berlin, Barbara worked at the Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, in the research group Health Economics & Health Policy. She did her masters degree in  economics at the Vienna University of Economics and Business.
Her research interests focus on health economics, health services research, and regional inequalities.


DIW Weekly Report 5/6 / 2025

Loneliness in Germany: Low-Income Earners at Highest Risk of Loneliness

2025| Theresa Entringer, Linda Kumrow, Barbara Stacherl
DIW Wochenbericht 5 / 2025

Einsamkeit in Deutschland: die gefährdetste Gruppe sind Menschen mit niedrigem Einkommen

2025| Theresa Entringer, Linda Kumrow, Barbara Stacherl
DIW Wochenbericht 40 / 2023

Psychische Gesundheit: Abstand zwischen Ost- und Westdeutschland wird kleiner

2023| Mattis Beckmannshagen, Daniel Graeber, Barbara Stacherl
Refereed essays Web of Science

From Feeling Depressed to Getting Diagnosed: Determinants of a Diagnosis of Depression after Experiencing Symptoms

In: The International Journal of Social Psychiatry (2025), im Ersch. [online first: 2024-12-26] | Barabra Stacherl, Theresa Entringer
Refereed essays Web of Science

Equal Waiting Times for All? Empirical Evidence for Elective Surgeries in the Austrian Public Healthcare System

In: Public Health 236 (2024), S. 216-223 | Markus Kraus, Barbara Stacherl, Thomas Czypionka, Susanne Mayer
Refereed essays Web of Science

Einsamkeit in Deutschland – Prävalenz, Entwicklung über die Zeit und regionale Unterschiede

In: Bundesgesundheitsblatt 67 (2024), S. 1103–1112 | Theresa M. Entringer, Barbara Stacherl
Refereed essays Web of Science

Chronic Disease Onset and Wellbeing Development: Longitudinal Analysis and the Role of Healthcare Access

In: European Journal of Public Health 34 (2024), 1, S. 29-34 | Barbara Stacherl, Odile Sauzet
Refereed essays Web of Science

Gravity Models for Potential Spatial Healthcare Access Measurement: a Systematic Methodological Review

In: International Journal of Health Geographics 22 (2023), 34, 22 S. | Barbara Stacherl, Odile Sauzet



Urbanicity Gradient in Professional Support ServiceUtilization among Refugees in Germany: The Mediating Role of Provider Density

Ellen Heidinger, Barbara Stacherl
Cottbus, 29.02.2024 - 01.03.2024
| The Power of WhereSpatial Insights from Survey Data: Joint Spring Meeting of BBSR, BTU & SOEP RegioHub

Where Does It Hurt? Small-Scale Changes in Healthcare Provision and Hospitalization Risk

Barbara Stacherl
Cottbus, 29.02.2024 - 01.03.2024
| The Power of WhereSpatial Insights from Survey Data: Joint Spring Meeting of BBSR, BTU & SOEP RegioHub

Getting Personal – Moving from Regional to Ego-Centered Provider Density to Capture Healthcare Availability in Survey Data

Barbara Stacherl
Mailand, Italien, 17.07.2023 - 21.07.2023
| 10th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA 2023)

Disease Onset and Life Satisfaction - Does It MatterWwhere You Live?

Barbara Stacherl
Berlin, 14.12.2022
| SOEP Brown Bag Seminar

Research Projects
