Dr. Adriana Cardozo Silva

Dr. Adriana Cardozo Silva

Research Associate of the

German Socio-Economic Panel study Research Infrastructure

Research Topics and Working Areas
  • Labor and employment
  • Migration
  • Inequality
  • Integration of Refugees in Germany / Perceived discrimination
  • Labor Market participation of Refugee Women
  • Determinants of Migration in the OECD
  • Migrants Remittances, Determinants and Effects

Dr. Adriana R. Cardozo Silva has been working as a postdoctoral researcher at SOEP since October 2021. Her current research focuses on the integration of migrants and refugees in Germany, particularly their integration into the labor market. In addition, she addresses the topic of discrimination and is part of the project "Situation of Ukrainian Refugees in Germany and Their Development Over the Next Three Years" (Longitudinal Study of Ukrainian Refugees, SUARE). Furthermore, she supports the calculation of M8 non-response weights at SOEP. Previously, Dr. Cardozo conducted research at the University of Göttingen, where she also earned her PhD. Her research encompassed the economic and social impacts of migration in developing countries, as well as international trade and international organizations. Additionally, she worked as an economic analyst at the World Bank and as a research associate at the Inter-American Development Bank.


Journal of International Development

The impact of COVID‐19 government responses on remittances in Latin American countries

2021 | Cardozo Silva, A. R., Diaz Pavez, L. R., Martínez‐Zarzoso, I., & Nowak‐Lehmann, F.
Politics and Governance

Migration and Asylum Flows to Germany: New Insights Into the Motives

2021 | Nowak-Lehmann, F., Cardozo, A., & Martínez-Zarzoso, I.
The World Economy

The impact of free trade agreements on Middle East and North Africa exports of intermediate and final goods

2021 | Cardozo, A., Martínez-Zarzoso, I., & Vogler, P. L.
International Studies Perspectives

Patterns of (Dis)similarity in the Design of Regional Organizations: The Regional Organizations Similarity Index (ROSI)

2021 | Jetschke, A., Münch, S., Cardozo-Silva, A. R., & Theiner, P.
Review of World Economics / Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv

Does foreign aid promote recipient exports to donor countries?

2013 | Nowak-Lehmann, F., Martínez-Zarzoso, I., Herzer, D., Klasen, S., & Cardozo, A.
DIW Weekly Report 49 / 2024

Refugees Send Remittances Abroad Less Often than Other Migrants

2024| Adriana Cardozo Silva, Sabine Zinn
DIW Wochenbericht 49 / 2024

Geflüchtete senden seltener Geld ins Ausland als andere Migrant*innen

2024| Adriana Cardozo Silva, Sabine Zinn
SOEPpapers 1203 / 2023

Gendered Implications of Restricted Residence Obligation Policies on Refugees’ Employment in Germany

2023| Adriana Cardozo Silva, Yuliya Kosyakova, Aslıhan Yurdakul
DIW Wochenbericht 19 / 2023

Chancen geflüchteter Frauen auf Arbeitsmarkt durch Integrationsprogramme stärken: Interview

2023| Adriana Cardozo Silva, Erich Wittenberg
Weitere externe Aufsätze

Lebenssituation von Migrantinnen und Migranten, deren Nachkommen und Geflüchteten in Deutschland

In: Sozialbericht 2024 : Ein Datenreport für Deutschland
Bonn : Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung
S. 273-282
| Maria metzing, Adriana Cardozo Silva
Refereed essays Web of Science

Ukrainian Refugees in Germany: Evidence From a Large Representative Survey

In: Comparative Population Studies 48 (2023), S. 395-424 | Herbert Brücker, Andreas Ette, Markus M. Grabka, Yuliya Kosyakova, Wenke Niehues, Nina Rother, C. Katharina Spieß, Sabine Zinn, Martin Bujard, Adriana Cardozo Silva, Jean Philippe Décieux, Amrei Maddox, Nadja Milewski, Lenore Sauer, Sophia Schmitz, Silvia Schwanhäuser, Manuel Siegert, Hans Walter Steinhauer, Kerstin Tanis
Refereed essays Web of Science

The Impact of Migration on Wages in Costa Rica

In: Migration Studies 11 (2023), 1, S. 23–51 | Adriana Cardozo Silva, Luis R. Díaz Pavez, Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso



The Determinants and Implications of Perceived Discrimination – Evidence from Germany

Adriana Cardozo Silva, CHristopher Prömel
Berlin, 04.07.2024 - 05.07.2024
| SOEP 2024: SOEP User Conference – Impressive Finale of the 40th Anniversary Celebrations

Final Discussion and Closing

Sabine Zinn, Adriana Cardozo Silva
Berlin, 28.11.2022
| Workshop on the Integration of Refugee Families in Host Countries: Research Advances, Policy Improvements, and Data Challenges

Labor Force Participation of Refugee Women in Germany

Aslihan Yurdakul, Adriana Cardozo Silva, Yuliya Kosyakova
Berlin, 28.11.2022
| Workshop on the Integration of Refugee Families in Host Countries: Research Advances, Policy Improvements, and Data Challenges

Geflüchtete in Deutschland: IAB-SOEP-BAMF-Befragung 2016-2020

Adriana Cardozo Silva
Berlin, 20.09.2022
| Fachkräftemangel in Schleswig-Holstein: Ressourcen Geflüchteter erkennen und heben

Research Projects

Research Project

IAB-BAMF-SOEP Survey of Refugees in Germany

Current Project| German Socio-Economic Panel study
Research Project

IAB-SOEP Migration Sample

Current Project| German Socio-Economic Panel study
Research Project

Longitudinal Study of Ukrainian Refugees in Germany (SUARE)

Current Project| German Socio-Economic Panel study
Research Project

Refugee Families in Germany (Geflüchtete Familien in Deutschland, GeFam 2)

Completed Project| German Socio-Economic Panel study