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Dr. Theresa Bührle

Dr. Theresa Bührle

Research Associate of the

Public Economics Department

Research Topics and Working Areas

Theresa Bührle is a research associate in the Public Economics Department. She studied business administration at the University of Mannheim and received her doctorate in taxation in 2022. In her research, she uses empirical methods to examine the economic effects of tax policy, with a focus on innovation and loss offset. A second focus is on tax planning and distribution effects in the context of the German inheritance tax.



British Tax Review (4), 453-479

Loss-Offset and Interest Deduction Limitation Rules in the EU as a Response to the Corona Crisis

2022 | Bührle, Theresa; Fischer, Leonie & Spengel, Christoph
Intertax 48 (6/7), 564-581

Tax law and the transfer of losses: A European overview and categorization

2020 | Bührle, Theresa & Spengel, Christoph
Der Betrieb 47, 2484-2490

Steuerpolitische Optionen in der Corona-Krise

2020 | Bührle, Theresa; Fischer, Leonie & Spengel, Christoph
Externe Monographien

The Value of a Loss: The Impact of Restricting Tax Loss Transfers

SSRN, 2023, 56 S.
(TRR 266 Accounting for Transparency Working Paper Series ; 128)
| Theresa Bührle, Elisa Casi, Barbara Stage, Johannes Voget



Inheritance taxes and family firms in Germany

Charlotte Bartels, Theresa Bührle, Kerstin Holzheu, Gedeão Locks
Berlin, 15.09.2024 - 18.09.2024
| Upcoming Labour Market Challenges: Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik 2024

The Value of a Loss: The Impact of Restricting Tax Loss Transfers

Theresa Bührle
IIngolstadt, 28.09.2023 - 29.09.2023
| Herbsttagung der Kommission Betriebswirtschaftliche Steuerlehre: Verband der Hochschullehrerinnen und Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft

Research Projects

Research Project

Inheritance tax reform

Current Project| Public Economics