The purpose of this paper is to obtain, by combining two longitudinal perspectives, a more detailed national picture of poverty in the member states of the European Union, using the first four waves (1994-7) of the European Community Household Panel (ECHP). In addition to this detailed consideration is given to the time dimension, poverty incidence, poverty gap and poverty intensity. Overall, the ranking ...
We link life-satisfaction data to inequality of the pre- and post-government income distribution at the regional level, to estimate the degree of inequality aversion. Three different inequality measures are used. In addition, we investigate whether a reduction in inequality by the state increases individual well-being. We find only weak evidence that Germans are inequality averse. Inequality reduction ...
In den gegenwärtigen Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union bestehen erhebliche Befürchtungen, dass die Einführung der Freizügigkeit für die Beitrittsländer zu sinkenden Löhnen und steigender Arbeitslosigkeit führen wird. In diesem Beitrag werden die Effekte der Migration für Einkommen und Arbeitsmarkt in den Ziel- und Herkunftsländern im Rahmen eines einfachen Simulationsmodells kalibriert und die ...
Using a sample of prime-aged men from the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP), this paper examines the effects of past poverty experience on future poverty status, future employment status and household composition. The empirical results suggest that even after controlling for observed and unobserved characteristics, past poverty experience increases the poverty risk of future periods. Moreover, there ...