In this article, the influence of immigrant occupational composition on the earnings of immigrants and natives in Germany is examined. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study and the German Microcensus, several relevant concepts are tested. The notion of quality sorting states that the differences in wages that are associated with the immigrant share within occupations are due only to ...
Immer mehr junge Menschen haben in den vergangenen Jahren ein Studium ergriffen. Vor allem in technischen und naturwissenschaftlichen Fächern, in Mathematik und Informatik hat die Zahl der Studierenden zugenommen. Wie sich an den steigenden Arbeitslosenzahlen der Jahre ablesen lässt, wurde offenbar in diesen Berufsfeldern über den Bedarf hinaus ausgebildet. Die Zuwächse der absoluten Zahlen der Arbeitslosen ...
The case of German reunification has been subject to extensive research on earnings inequality and labor market integration. however, little is known about the development of equality of opportunity (EOp) in East and West Germany after 1990.Using German micro data, we empirically analyze how circumstances beyond the sphere of individual control explain inequality in East and West Germany. Our results ...
In this paper, we propose a new comprehensive framework for analysing wage discrimination. This framework assesses wage discrimination on the grounds of conditional wage distributions (rather than just conditional means), regards the whole population (rather than just those in work) and employs a more general definition of work based on Margaret Reid's "third party criterion" (rather than a definition ...
In a simulation-based study with data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP), we analyze the effects of the newly introduced statutory minimum wage of 8.50 Euro per working hour in Germany on the gender wage gap. In our first scenario where we abstain from employment effects, the pay differential is reduced by 2.5 percentage points from 19.6 % to 17.1 %, due to a reduction of the sticky-floor ...
The gender wage gap is a persistent labor market phenomenon. Most research focuses on the determinants of these wage differences. We contribute to this literature by exploring a different research question: if wages of women are systematically lower than male wages, what are the distributional consequences (disposable income) and what are the labor market effects (labor supply) of the wage gap? We ...
In diesem Beitrag werden einige ausgewählte, aktuelle Handlungsoptionen für die Renten- bzw. Alterssicherungspolitik in Deutschland angesprochen. Bevor konkrete Probleme und Perspektiven diskutiert werden, soll zunächst auf ausgewählte grundsätzliche Probleme und Möglichkeiten einer "nachhaltig(er)en Alterssicherung" in Deutschland und der Europäischen Union eingegangen werden, um anhand der gewonnenen ...
We discuss the implications of two price zones, i.e. one northern and southern bidding area, on the German electricity market. In the northern zone, continuous capacity additions with low variable costs cause large regional supply surpluses in the market dispatch while conventional capacity decreases in the southern zone. As the spatial imbalance of supply and load is increasing, the current single ...