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2604 Ergebnisse, ab 2341
  • SOEPpapers 441 / 2012

    Income Comparisons and Non-cognitive Skills

    People gain utility from occupying a higher ranked position in the income distribution of the reference group. This paper investigates whether these gains depend on an individual's set of non-cognitive skills. Using the 2000-2008 waves of the German Socioeconomic Panel dataset (SOEP), a subjective question on Life Satisfaction, and three different sets of non-cognitive skills indicators, we find significant ...

    2012| Santi Budria, Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Multi-family Households in a Labour Supply Model: A Calibration Method with Application to Poland

    Models of cooperative and noncooperative behaviour opened the household "black box" and allowed for individual treatment of partners in couples. However, labour supply literature has so far largely ignored a broader issue - the distinction of single versus multi-family ("complex") households. We propose a method to account for multi-family household structure by borrowing from recent applications of ...

    In: Applied Economics 44 (2012), 22, S. 2907-2919 | Peter Haan, Michal Myck
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Assets, Shocks, and Poverty Traps in Rural Mozambique

    This paper explores welfare dynamics among households in rural Mozambique. Using household panel data, we test whether an asset-based poverty trap exists. Findings indicate that all rural households converge to one stable equilibrium in the medium term, which is close to the poverty line. This may indicate that households in rural Mozambique are collectively trapped in generalized underdevelopment. ...

    In: World Development 40 (2012), 8, S. 1594-1609 | Lena Giesbert, Kati Schindler
  • Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 2 / 2011

    Entwicklung der Altersarmut in Deutschland

    Seit dem Jahr 2000 sinken die von der Gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung (GRV) ausgezahlten individuellen Beträge fur männliche Neurentner. Wer heute in Rente geht, erhält im Schnitt sieben Prozent weniger als jemand, der noch vor zehn Jahren in den Ruhestand wechselte. Gleichzeitig nimmt die Zahl der Bezieher von Grundsicherung im Alter seit 2003 deutlich zu. Dennoch zeigt sich, dass das generelle relative ...

    2011| Jan Goebel, Markus M. Grabka
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Electric Vehicles in Imperfect Electricity Markets: The Case of Germany

    We use a game-theoretic model to analyze the impacts of a hypothetical fleet of plug-in electric vehicles on the imperfectly competitive German electricity market. Electric vehicles bring both additional demand and additional storage capacity to the market. We determine the effects on prices, welfare, and electricity generation for various cases with different players in charge of vehicle operations. ...

    In: Energy Policy 39 (2011), 10, S. 6178-6189 | Wolf-Peter Schill
  • Weitere externe Aufsätze

    Armut von Erwerbstätigen in Europa: Ausmaß, Struktur und Entwicklungen

    In: Hans-Georg Soeffner (Hrsg) , Unsichere Zeiten
    Wiesbaden : VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
    o. S.
    | Henning Lohmann, Hans-Jürgen Andreß
  • Diskussionspapiere 1153 / 2011

    Using Personal Car Register for Measuring Economic Inequality in Countries with a Large Share of Shadow Economy: Evidence for Latvia

    We suggest to use information from the state register of personal cars as an alternative indicator of economic inequality in countries with a large share of shadow economy. We illustrate our approach using the Latvian pool of personal cars. Our main finding is that the extent of household economic inequality in Latvia is much larger than officially assumed. The latest officially available estimate ...

    2011| Vyacheslav Dombrovsky, Konstantin A. Kholodilin, Boriss Siliverstovs
  • SOEPpapers 452 / 2012

    Happiness, Habits and High Rank: Comparisons in Economic and Social Life

    The role of money in producing sustained subjective well-being seems to be seriously compromised by social comparisons and habituation. But does that necessarily mean that we would be better off doing something else instead? This paper suggests that the phenomena of comparison and habituation are actually found in a considerable variety of economic and social activities, rendering conclusions regarding ...

    2012| Andrew E. Clark
  • Externe Monographien

    Lifetime Earnings Inequality in Germany

    London: CEPR, 2012, 49 S.
    (Discussion Paper Series / Centre for Economic Policy Research ; 8929)
    | Timm Bönke, Giacomo Corneo, Holger Lüthen
  • Externe Monographien

    Inter- and Intragenerational Economic Mobility: Germany in International Comparison ; Dissertation

    Bielefeld: wbv, 2012, 136 S.
    (IAB-Bibliothek ; 332 : Dissertationen)
    | Daniel D. Schnitzlein
2604 Ergebnisse, ab 2341