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2605 Ergebnisse, ab 2381
  • Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 4 / 2001

    Japanese Welfare State Reforms in the 1990s and Beyond: How Japan is Similar to and Different from Germany

    Beginning with a review of Japanese welfare state reform in 1990s, we discuss similarities and differences between Japan and Germany in the implementation of three major reforms: public pension reform, health care reform and introduction of long-term care insurance. The latest public pension reform in both countries has the same aim: to establish middle- and long-term stability of the system against ...

    2001| Tetsuo Fukawa
  • DIW Wochenbericht 5 / 2002

    Einkommensarmut von Kindern: ein deutsch-britischer Vergleich für die 90er Jahre

    In Deutschland ist jedes fünfte Kind arm, in Großbritannien fast jedes dritte. Alleinerziehende und deren Kinder haben ein besonders hohes Armutsrisiko. In Großbritannien leben etwa 15 % aller Kinder bei Alleinerziehenden, in Westdeutschland sind es etwa 9 %. Aber auch innerhalb dieser besonders gefährdeten Gruppe ist die Armutsquote in Großbritannien höher als hierzulande. Die Aufnahme einer Erwerbstätigkeit ...

    2002| Stephen P. Jenkins, Chris Schluter, Gert G. Wagner
  • Sonstige Publikationen des DIW / Monographien

    Methodische Probleme von Wohnungsnachfrage-Studien in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Gutachten im Auftrage des Bundesministers für Raumordnung, Bauwesen und Städtebau

  • SOEPpapers 44 / 2007

    Introducing Family Tax Splitting in Germany: How Would It Affect the Income Distribution, Work Incentives and Household Welfare?

    We analyze the effects of three alternative proposals to reform the taxation of families relative to the current German system of joint taxation of couples and child allowances: a French-type family splitting and two full family splitting proposals. The empirical analysis of the effects of these proposals on the income distribution and on work incentives is based on a behavioral micro-simulation model ...

    2007| Viktor Steiner, Katharina Wrohlich
  • SOEPpapers 50 / 2007

    The Marginal Utility of Income

    In normative public economics it is crucial to know how fast the marginal utility of income declines as income increases. One needs this parameter for cost-benefit analysis, for optimal taxation and for the (Atkinson) measurement of inequality. We estimate this parameter using four large cross-sectional surveys of subjective happiness and two panel surveys. Altogether, the data cover over 50 countries ...

    2007| Richard Layard, Guy Mayraz, Stephen J. Nickell
  • SOEPpapers 515 / 2012

    Offshoring and Labor Income Risk: An Empirical Investigation

    This paper analyses how increased offshoring impacts on labor income risk. It is therefore distinct from a large number of studies explaining the level effects of globalization on the labor market in that it takes a look at effects on the variability of incomes. It provides an assessment that directly connects labor income risk and offshoring trends in a panel setting at the industry level. Importantly, ...

    2012| Jan Hogrefe, Yao Yao
  • SOEPpapers 441 / 2012

    Income Comparisons and Non-cognitive Skills

    People gain utility from occupying a higher ranked position in the income distribution of the reference group. This paper investigates whether these gains depend on an individual's set of non-cognitive skills. Using the 2000-2008 waves of the German Socioeconomic Panel dataset (SOEP), a subjective question on Life Satisfaction, and three different sets of non-cognitive skills indicators, we find significant ...

    2012| Santi Budria, Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell
  • Externe Monographien

    Inter- and Intragenerational Economic Mobility: Germany in International Comparison ; Dissertation

    Bielefeld: wbv, 2012, 136 S.
    (IAB-Bibliothek ; 332 : Dissertationen)
    | Daniel D. Schnitzlein
  • Diskussionspapiere 1287 / 2013

    Dynamics and Drivers of Consumption and Multidimensional Poverty: Evidence from Rural Ethiopia

    This study aims to explore poverty measures, its dynamics and determinants using Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) and consumption poverty. Our results show that the two measures assign similar poverty status to about 52 percent of households and that both approaches confirm poverty is mainly transient in rural Ethiopia. However, we find that the trend in adjusted head count poverty is different ...

    2013| Tilman Brück, Sindu Workneh Kebede
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Household Survey Data for Research on Well-Being and Behavior in Central Asia

    This paper summarizes the micro-level survey evidence from Central Asia generated and analyzed in the period 1992-2012. We provide an exhaustive overview over all accessible individual and household-level surveys undertaken inKazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan - and of all academic papers published using these datasets. We argue that Central Asia is a fascinating region ...

    In: Journal of Comparative Economics 42 (2014), 3, S. 819-835 | Tilman Brück, Damir Esenaliev, Antje Kröger, Alma Kudebayeva, Bakhrom Mirkasimov, Susan Steiner
2605 Ergebnisse, ab 2381