Mobile sensing is a promising method that allows researchers to directly observe human social behavior in daily life using people's mobile phones. To date, limited knowledge exists on how well mobile sensing can assess the quantity and quality of social interactions. We therefore examined the agreement among experience sampling, day reconstruction, and mobile sensing in the assessment of multiple aspects ...
This paper deals with the data generation process implemented for an analysis of the impact of the 9-Euro ticket on mode choice. We discuss the assumptions made and procedures used to process a raw dataset that is based on GPS traces of individuals’ movements and on survey data into the choice-set for a discrete choice model. Several steps of cleaning and merging are described in order to a) obtain ...
This paper studies the impact of generative AI technology on the demand for online freelancers using a large dataset from a leading global freelancing platform. We focus on how the release of generative AI tools affects various freelance jobs that require different skills or software. Our findings indicate a 21 percent decrease following the ChatGPT introduction in the number of job posts for...
Der Rückgang der Verwendung von Bargeld und das Aufkommen innovativer digitaler Zahlungssysteme haben die EZB wie viele andere Zentralbanken dazu veranlasst, die Einführung ihrer Währung in digitaler Form zu erwägen. Die technischen Probleme bei der Einführung eines digitalen Euro scheinen nicht unüberwindbar zu sein. Ein Thema, das jedoch weniger Beachtung gefunden hat, ist die Nachfrage nach einem ...