Zufriedenheit mit Einkommen, Arbeit und Gesundheit in den vergangenen 20 Jahren gestiegen oder stabil geblieben – Unterschiede in der Bevölkerung in Deutschland aber teils erheblich – Menschen mit geringen Haushaltseinkommen in allen Bereichen unzufriedener als Menschen mit hohen Einkommen – Eltern unzufriedener mit Gesundheit als Personen ohne Kinder
Die Zufriedenheit der Bevölkerung in Deutschland ...
Zeitungs- und Blogbeiträge
Die Zeit
(23.08.2024), [Online-Artikel]
| Marcel Fratzscher
SOEP Brown Bag Seminar
Subjective well-being (SWB) is a complex multidimensional construct with manifold positive implications. However, research on the structure of SWB faces some challenges, as empirical results regarding the popular tripartite model of SWB are inconclusive, and domain satisfaction is often not sufficiently considered when analyzing the structure of SWB. Furthermore, since the different SWB components...
28.06.2023| Bernd Schäfer, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
SOEPpapers 1184 / 2023
Sociological research is increasingly using panel data to examine changes in diverse outcomes over life course events. Most of these studies have one striking similarity: they analyse changes between yearly time intervals. In this paper, we present a simple but effective method to model such trajectories more precisely using available data. The approach exploits month-specific information regarding ...
2023| Ansgar Hudde, Marita Jacob
SOEP Brown Bag Seminar
The seminar will share two connected papers, one newer, and in more need of feedback, than the other. The premise of both is the received wisdom that income rank matters for welfare, in particular life satisfaction. In most discussions, however, income comparisons are limited to the national population and evidence is correlational. In the first paper, we report on an experiment that randomized...
11.07.2024| Peter H. Matthews (Middlebury College and Aalto University)
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
We examine changes in the well-being of family caregivers during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany, using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) and the SOEP-CoV study. The COVID-19 pandemic posed an extraordinary challenge for family caregivers, as care recipients are a high-risk group requiring special protection, and professional care services were severely cut back. ...
European Journal of Ageing
20 (2023), 15, 11 S.
| Katja Möhring, Sabine Zinn, Ulrike Ehrlich
SOEP Brown Bag Seminar
Fierce debate over the feasibility of cardinally measuring utility – or ‘wellbeing’ – with surveys has recently resurfaced. Several prominent papers claimed that when interpreting survey data as strictly ordinal, most of the literature’s results are easily reversed. We systematically assess this claim. To do so, we replicate the universe of wellbeing research published in top economics journals...
05.06.2024| Anthony Lepinteur, University of Luxembourg
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
The current study tested whether the reported lower wellbeing of parents after preterm birth, relative to term birth, is a continuation of a pre-existing difference before pregnancy. Parents from Germany (the German Socio-Economic Panel Study, N = 10,649) and the United Kingdom (British Household Panel Study and Understanding Society, N = 11,012) reported their new-born’s birthweight and gestational ...
Scientific Reports
13 (2023), 21233, 10 S.
| Robert Eves, Nicole Baumann, Ayten Bilgin, Daniel Schnitzlein, David Richter, Dieter Wolke, Sakari Lemola
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
Background Experiencing the onset of a chronic disease is a serious health event impacting living conditions and wellbeing. Investigating wellbeing development and its predictors is crucial to understand how individuals adapt to chronic illnesses. This study (i) analyzed the impact of a chronic disease on wellbeing development, and (ii) explored spatial healthcare access as potential moderating factor. ...
European Journal of Public Health
(2024), im Ersch. [online first: 2024-10-06]
| Barbara Stacherl, Odile Sauzet
Blog Marcel Fratzscher
Psychische Erkrankungen werden immer noch stigmatisiert. Das muss aufhören, denn die ökonomischen Folgekosten für die gesamte Gesellschaft werden damit noch größer. Die psychische Gesundheit ist ein blinder Fleck in der gesellschaftlichen Debatte. Dabei haben vor allem die psychischen Erkrankungen bei Jugendlichen in der Corona-Pandemie zugenommen. Insgesamt ist auch der Anteil der Fehltage aufgrund ...
30.10.2023| Marcel Fratzscher