Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
Nitrate pollution from agricultural production is a major threat to water resources worldwide. This study quantifies the consequences of groundwater nitrate pollution for the drinking water supply sector by estimating the effect of groundwater nitrate pollution on the costs of water utilities. In doing so, we contribute to the estimation of the external costs of agricultural nonpoint pollution associated ...
American Journal of Agricultural Economics
(2024), im Ersch. [online first: 2024-07-10]
| Astrid Cullmann, Julia Rechlitz, Greta Sundermann, Nicole Wägner
Externe Monographien
Economic policy approaches for the climate-critical decade: Part I of the Policy Forum brings together leading experts from the fields of Green Growth, Postgrowth, and Degrowth to debate their different visions for the pathway toward sustainable economies. We will give room to separately explore the ideas and arguments of Green Growth and Postgrowth/Degrowth and bring the different approaches together ...
d\carb future economy forum,
7 S.
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
Under the banner of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG 7), governments, industry, and civil society organisations have supported many energy access projects since 2015. Notably, funding and investments allotted to renewable energy are regarded not only to provide ‘energy for all’ but also support the delivery of other SDGs related to climate change, food security, health, and poverty ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
199 (2024), 114457, 15 S.
| Angela Mae Minas, Samira García-Freites, Christopher Walsh, Velma Mukoro, Jhud Mikhail Aberilla, Amanda April, Jaise Kuriakose, Carlos Gaete-Morales, Alejandro Gallego-Schmid, Sarah Mander
Einer Regierungsstudie zufolge soll die Suche nach einem Endlager für hochradioaktive Abfälle noch bis ins Jahr 2074 dauern. Das im Standortauswahlgesetz angepeilte Jahr 2031 ist demnach keinesfalls zu erreichen. Claudia Kemfert, Leiterin der Abteilung Energie, Verkehr, Umwelt im DIW Berlin kommentiert diese Verzögerung wie folgt:
08.08.2024| Claudia Kemfert
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
The present study conducts a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to evaluate the environmental impacts of heating technologies commonly used in Chile based on six environmental indicators: Climate Change (CC), Human Toxicity (HT), Formation of Particulate Matter (PM), Formation of Photochemical Oxidants (PO), Ozone Destruction (OD), and Water Depletion (WD). Due to the extensive length of the territory studied, ...
Cleaner Environmental Systems
13 (2024), 100192, 13 S.
| Adrián-Enrique Ortiz-Rojas, Ismaela Magliotto-Quevedo, Leonardo Guerra, Carlos Gaete-Morales, Paula Guerra, Camila Mery-Araya
Externe Monographien
Achieving climate neutrality and energy independence will require the accelerated diffusion ofexisting technologies, further cost reductions, as well as innovation in new technologies.However, climate related frontier innovation, as measured by patent fi lings, has been decliningsince 2012. In contrast, the deployment of existing technologies seems on the rise. The focus ondiffusion and commercialization ...
d\carb future economy forum,
4 S.
Externe Monographien
Making macroeconomics fit for a climate-neutral future: The European Union decided to be climate-neutral by 2050 and, hence, become the first climate-neutral continent in the world. Becoming climate-neutral can be considered one of the biggest challenges in our industrial societies. This transition will shape our future tremendously. The invasion of Ukraine further reinforced the necessity to speed ...
d\carb future economy forum,
6 S.
Externe Monographien
Critical discussions about decarbonising our economy: This new series brings together leading thinkers in the political economy of the environment to discuss why business as usual is still going so strong, despite the scientific evidence that urgent action is needed. In this series, we ask our guests "what is holding up the green transition"? The events explore systemic root causes of the climate crisis ...
d\carb future economy forum,
4 S.
Externe Monographien
222 S.
(Sondergutachten / Sachverständigenrat für Umweltfragen)
| Claudia Hornberg, Claudia Kemfert, Christina Dornack, Wolfgang Köck, Wolfgang Lucht, Josef Settele, Annette Elisabeth Töller
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
This paper examines the drivers of Algeria's energy transformation as well as the cross-cutting issues and challenges in the transformation process. It suggests a framework that accelerates sustainable transformation based on the ideologies of systemic reasoning. Interviews were conducted with 20 energy experts in Algeria, along with a content analysis of policy documents, reports, and previous studies. ...
Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration
8 (2023), S. 365–379
| Khadidja Sakhraoui, Albert K. Awopone, Christian von Hirschhausen, Noara Kebir, Redha Agadi