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3968 Ergebnisse, ab 3711
  • Externe Monographien

    European Regional Convergence in a Human Capital Augmented Solow Model

    In this paper, the process of productivity convergence is investigated for the enlarged European Union using regional (NUTS-2) data. The Solow model extended by human capital is employed as a workhorse. Alternative strategies are proposed to control for spatial effects. All specifications confirm the presence of convergence with an annual speed between 3 and 3.5 percent towards regional steady states. ...

    Kassel: Univ., Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften, 2006, 19 S.
    (Volkswirtschaftliche Diskussionsbeiträge ; 88)
    | Hans-Friedrich Eckey, Christian Dreger, Matthias Türck
  • FINESS Working Papers 7.1b / 2008

    Money Velocity and Asset Prices in the Euro Area

    Monetary growth in the euro area has exceeded its target since several years. At the same time, the money demand function seems to be increasingly unstable if more recent data are used. If the link between money balances and the macroeconomy is fragile, the rationale of monetary aggregates in the ECB strategy has to be doubted. In fact, a rise in the income elasticity after 2001 can be observed, and ...

    2008| Christian Dreger, Jürgen Wolters
  • Nicht-referierte Aufsätze

    Klimaschutz als Wirtschaftschance

    In: Klima-Magazin (2009), 03, S. 43 | Claudia Kemfert
  • Diskussionspapiere 879 / 2009

    Multi-Factor Gegenbauer Processes and European Inflation Rates

    In this paper we specify a multi-factor long-memory process that enables us to estimate the fractional differencing parameters at each frequency separately, and adopt this framework to model quarterly prices in three European countries (France, Italy and the UK). The empirical results suggest that inflation in France and Italy is nonstationary. However, while for the former country this applies both ...

    2009| Guglielmo Maria Caporale, Luis A. Gil-Alana
  • Diskussionspapiere 615 / 2006

    Sticky Information Phillips Curves: European Evidence

    We estimate the sticky information Phillips curve model of Mankiw and Reis (2002) using survey expectations of professional forecasters from four major European economies. Our estimates imply that inflation expectations in France, Germany and the United Kingdom are updated about once a year, in Italy about once each six months.

    2006| Jörg Döpke, Jonas Dovern, Ulrich Fritsche, Jiri Slacalek
  • Diskussionspapiere 631 / 2006

    European Regional Convergence in a Human Capital Augmented Solow Model

    In this paper, the process of productivity convergence is investigated for the enlarged European Union using regional (NUTS-2) data. The Solow model extended by human capital is employed as a workhorse. Alternative strategies are proposed to control for spatial effects. All specifications confirm the presence of convergence with an annual speed between 3 and 3.5 percent towards regional steady states. ...

    2006| Hans-Friedrich Eckey, Christian Dreger, Matthias Türck
  • DIW Wochenbericht 5 / 1964

    Strukturwandlungen der Anlageinvestitionen und des Anlagevermögens in der Sowjetunion seit 1928

    Der Industrialisierungsprozess der Sowjetunion erstreckt sich bereits über einen recht langen Zeitraum. Da über die bisherige Industrialisierungsepoche relativ reichliches statistisches Material vorliegt, ist es möglich, den empirischen Zusammenhang zwischen der Investitionstätigkeit und den Veränderungen der Anlageinvestitions- und Anlagevermögensstruktur an Hand dieses konkreten Beispiels - wenigstens ...

  • DIW Wochenbericht 12 / 1964

    Das Sozialprodukt im vierten Quartal und Jahr 1963

  • DIW Wochenbericht 14/15 / 1964

    Beschäftigung und Produktivität in der westdeutschen Industrie im Jahre 1963

  • Externe Monographien

    Nowcasting Business Cycles Using Toll Data

    Bonn: IZA, 2011, 17 S.
    (Discussion Paper Series / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit ; 5522)
    | Nikos Askitas, Klaus F. Zimmermann
3968 Ergebnisse, ab 3711