This paper studies the bank-sovereign link in a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium set-up with strategic default on public debt. Heterogeneous banks give rise to an interbank market where government bonds are used as collateral. A default penalty arises from a breakdown of interbank intermediation that induces a credit crunch. Government borrowing under limited commitment is costly ex ante as bank ...
Die von Lebensversicherungen angebotenen Privatrententarife können einen Inflationsschutz nicht garantieren. Die effektive garantierte Beitragsrendite lag in der vorliegenden Untersuchung von 48 Versicherungstarifen bei lediglich 1,02 Prozent und bei den Marktführern sogar nur bei 0,94 Prozent. Verantwortlich hierfür sind erhebliche Kosten, deren Ausmaß dem Kunden in der Regel verborgen bleibt. Er ...
This paper analyses the long-memory properties of both the conditional mean and variance of UK real GDP over the period 1851-2013 by estimating a multivariate ARFIMA-FIGARCH model (with the unemployment rate and inflation as explanatory variables). The results suggest that this series is non-stationary and non-mean-reverting, the null hypotheses of I(0), I(1) and I(2) being rejected in favour of fractional ...
This paper investigates the effects of global oil and food price shocks to consumer prices in Middle East-North African (MENA) countries using threshold cointegration methods. Oil and food price shocks increase domestic prices in the long run, whereby the impact of food prices dominates. While global prices are weakly exogenous, consumer prices respond to deviations from the equilibrium relationship. ...
The paper analyses the global spillovers of the Federal Reserve's unconventional monetary policy measures. First, we find that Fed measures in the early phase of the crisis (QE1), but not since 2010 (QE2), were highly effective in lowering sovereign yields and raising equity markets in the US and globally across 65 countries. Yet Fed policies functioned in a procyclical manner for capital flows to ...