Reliable information on small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) is rare and costly for financial intermediaries. To compensate for this, relationship banking is often considered as the appropriate lending technique in the case of SMEs. In this paper we offer a theoretical model to analyze the pricing behavior of banks in a Bertrand competition framework with monitoring costs. We show that the lack ...
Die vorliegende Studie zielt auf die Einschätzung der ökonomischen Stabilität der Haushalte in Deutschland ab. Ausgehend von der Betrachtung der unterschiedlichen Immobilienfinanzierungsregime wird anhand aggregierter und disaggregierter Haushaltsdaten die wirtschaftliche und finanzielle Situation der privaten Haushalte in Deutschland, Großbritannien, den Niederlanden und den USA untersucht. Die Befunde ...
We investigate the impact of measures of uncertainty on firms' capital investment behavior using a panel of U.S. firms. Increases in firm-specific and CAPM-based measures have a significant negative effect on investment spending, while market-based uncertainty has a positive impact
We explore the impact of concentration in the banking markets on the capital structure of publicly quoted non-financial firms in the EU15 over the period 1997- 2005, an era marked by intensive merger activity in the banking sector. Our main finding is a negative and significant relationship between the degree of concentration of European bank markets and the market leverage of firms, indicating the ...
We investigate whether or not banks play a positive role in the ownership structure of European listed firms. We distinguish between banks and other institutional investors as shareholders and examine empirically the relationship between financial institution ownership and the performance of the firms in which they hold equity. Our main finding is that after controlling for the capital structure decision ...