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2577 Ergebnisse, ab 2471
  • DIW Berlin - Politikberatung kompakt 88 / 2014

    Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie von Paaren mit nicht schulpflichtigen Kindern - unter spezifischer Berücksichtigung der Erwerbskonstellation beider Partner: ausgewählte Ergebnisse auf der Basis der FiD-Daten ("Familien in Deutschland")

    2014| Verena Lauber, Johanna Storck, C. Katharina Spieß, Nittaya Fuchs
  • SOEPpapers 694 / 2014

    Intergenerational Transmission of Unemployment: Evidence for German Sons

    This paper studies the association between the unemployment experience of fathers and their sons. Based on German survey data that cover the last decades we find significant positive correlations. Using instrumental variables estimation and the Gottschalk (1996) method we investigate to what extent fathers' unemployment is causal for offsprings' employment outcomes. In agreement with most of the small ...

    2014| Miriam Mäder, Steffen Müller, Regina T. Riphahn, Caroline Schwientek
  • SOEPpapers 609 / 2013

    Long-Term Participation Tax Rates

    Generous income support programs as provided by European welfare states have often been blamed to reduce work incentives for the lowskilled and to increase durations of unemployment. Standard studies measure work incentives based on annual income concepts. This paper analyzes work incentives inherent in the German tax-benefit system when extending the time horizon to three years (long-term). Participation ...

    2013| Charlotte Bartels
  • Weitere externe Aufsätze

    Geschlechtsspezifische Wirkungen der Einkommensbesteuerung am Beispiel des Ehegattensplitting

    In: Ulrike Spangenberg, Maria Wersig (Hrsg.) , Geschlechtergerechtigkeit steuern
    Berlin : edition sigma
    S. 83-94
    HWR Berlin Forschung ; 54/55
    | Johannes Geyer, Katharina Wrohlich
  • SOEPpapers 604 / 2013

    Endogeneity in the Relation between Poverty, Wealth and Life Satisfaction

    This publication concentrates on the complex interplay between poverty, wealth and life satisfaction. Main areas of life are quantified in a multidimensional approach of poverty and wealth: Individual income, current health, occupational autonomy or employment status and also the mentioned life satisfaction. Data used in this publication were made available by the German Socio Economic Panel Study ...

    2013| André Hajek
  • SOEPpapers 493 / 2012

    Gender Differences in Residential Mobility: The Case of Leaving Home in East Germany

    This paper investigates gender differences in the spatial mobility of young adults when initially leaving their parental home. Using individual data from 11 waves (2000-2010) of the SOEP, we examine whether female home leavers in East Germany move across greater distances than males and whether these differences are explained by the gender gap in education. Our results reveal that female home leavers ...

    2012| Ferdinand Geissler, Thomas Leopold, Sebastian Pink
  • DIW Economic Bulletin 7 / 2012

    Income Distribution: An Important Factor for Economic Forecasts

    The development of private consumption is a crucial factor in compiling macroeconomic projections as part of national accounts. Household savings also play an important role as an explanatory variable for consumer development, since private households must decide whether to spend their incomes on consumption or saving. The estimated savings rate in DIW Berlin's economic projections can be improved ...

    2012| Ferdinand Fichtner, Simon Junker, Carsten Schwäbe
  • Externe Monographien

    Occupational Sex Segregation and Management-Level Wages in Germany: What Role Does Firm Size Play?

    Bonn: IZA, 2012, 39 S.
    (Discussion Paper Series / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit ; 6568)
    | Anne Busch, Elke Holst
  • SOEPpapers 453 / 2012

    Life Satisfaction, Household Income and Personality Theory

    We show that personality traits mediate the effect of income on Life Satisfaction. The effect is strong in the case of Neuroticism, which measures the sensitivity to threat and punishment, in both the British Household Panel Survey and the German Socioeconomic Panel. Neuroticism increases the usually observed concavity of the relationship: Individuals with higher Neuroticism score enjoy income more ...

    2012| Eugenio Proto, Aldo Rustichini
  • Diskussionspapiere 1206 / 2012

    Occupational Sex Segregation and Management-Level Wages in Germany: What Role Does Firm Size Play?

    The paper analyzes the gender pay gap in private-sector management positions based on German panel data and using fixed-effects models. It deals with the effect of occupational sex segregation on wages, and the extent to which wage penalties for managers in predominantly female occupations are moderated by firm size. Drawing on economic and organizational approaches and the devaluation of women's work, ...

    2012| Anne Busch, Elke Holst
2577 Ergebnisse, ab 2471