In this paper, we study how the tax-and-transfer system reduces the inequality of lifetime income by redistributing lifetime earnings between individuals with different skill endowments and by providing individuals with insurance against lifetime earnings risk. Based on a dynamic life-cycle model, we find that redistribution through the tax-and-transfer system offsets around half of the inequality ...
Die „Erzbergerschen Steuer- und Finanzreformen“ 1919/20 haben die öffentlichen Finanzen grundlegend umgestaltet. Die gesamtwirtschaftliche Steuerbelastung verdoppelte sich und stieg bis Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs weiter. Seit den 1950er Jahren bewegt sie sich meist zwischen 22 bis 24 Prozent des Bruttoinlandsprodukts. Wiederaufbau und „Wirtschaftswunder“ starteten bei hohen Einkommen- und Körperschaftsteuersätzen ...
The tax and fiscal reforms headed by German finance minister Matthias Erzberger in 1919 and 1920 fundamentally reshaped German public finances. The total tax revenue as a percentage of GDP, or tax-to-GDP ratio, doubled and increased continually until the end of World War II. Since the 1950s, the tax-to-GDP ratio has remained between 22 and 24 percent of GDP most of the time. West Germany’s economic ...
Studie untersucht Alternativen zum Ehegattensplitting – Realsplitting mit niedrigem Übertragungsbetrag ist ein guter Kompromiss zwischen verschiedenen Anforderungen – Reform würde Erwerbsbeteiligung von Frauen fördern und Steuermehraufkommen von zehn Milliarden Euro erzielen Das in Deutschland seit den 50er Jahren gültige Ehegattensplitting führt zu hohen Steuersätzen ...
This study uses German social security records to provide novel evidence about the heterogeneity in life expectancy by lifetime earnings and, additionally, documents the distributional implications of this earnings-related heterogeneity. We find a strong association between lifetime earnings and life expectancy at age 65 and show that the longevity gap is increasing across cohorts. For West German ...
Die kommunalen Investitionen sind in Deutschland regional sehr ungleich verteilt. Schon der Vergleich zwischen den Flächenländern zeigt deutliche Unterschiede bei den Bruttoinvestitionen. So gaben die Kommunen Bayerns im Jahr 2013 mehr als drei Mal so viel pro Einwohner für Investitionen aus als beispielsweise die Kommunen in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Ein Blick auf die Kreise und kreisfreien Städte zeigt ...
The regional dispersion of local public investment in Germany is very uneven. Even a comparison between the states shows considerable differences in gross investment. Municipalities in Bavaria currently invest more than three times as much per capita as those in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. There are even greater differences between districts and independent cities, both nationwide and within the ...
On January 1, 2017, the parental leave benefit will be celebrating its tenth anniversary. Although its implementation was hotly debated, it has become a widely accepted family policy measure. Its impact on parental labor supply, the division of labor between parents, fertility, and indicators that reflect the well-being of parents and children have been examined from a variety of perspectives. A global ...