In this paper we use a dynamic structural life-cycle model to analyze the employment, fiscal and welfare effects induced by unemployment insurance. The model features a detailed specification of the tax and transfer system, including unemployment insurance benefits which depend on an individual's employment and earnings history. The model also captures the endogenous accumulation of experience which ...
We present a method for taking advantage of labour market transitions to identify effects of financial incentives on employment decisions. The framework we use is very flexible and by imposing few theoretical assumptions allows extending the modelled sample relative to struc-tural models. We take advantage of this flexibility to include disabled people in the model and to analyse behaviour of disabled ...
In wichtigen Bereichen wie Steuerpolitik, Bildung und Energie muss die zukünftige Große Koalition deutlich ambitionierter sein – Reformbedarf in Deutschland wird unzureichend angepackt Deutschlands nächste Regierung wird höchstwahrscheinlich erneut eine Große Koalition. Die Ergebnisse der Sondierungen zwischen Unionsparteien und SPD, die als Basis für die gegenwärtigen ...